Episode 13

505 11 0

????? - hey bi*ch

Yn - what is it liala

Liala - you know my sister and her friends are in the library right now doing their punishment

Yn - liala please get out of here before I lose my temper and do something bad i am telling you i am really short tempered and besides they are doing it all because of you you stole their hw and told lies and you don't even feel guilty about it bi*ch.

Jin - what is going on here and what do mean by liala stole their hw and yn you just cursed for the first time i am so proud but disappointed as well but

Liala - mr-r k-im

Jin - yes me and liala you lied to me i want to see you in my office tommorow with your guardian.
Now go before she or my princess do something.

Liala - my princess is she your daughter

Yn - well yeah i am any problem

Liala - you'll see i am going to tell this to Mr. Park

Yn smirks and says sure see you tommorow little devil

Jihyung - hey guys sorry lets go home now

Yn - bye and good luck tommorow

Liala - same to you

Time skip to home
Yn - mmmooommmmmmyyy

Yn mom - woohh stop screaming cupcake. Cupcake go and change and come on let's have lunch

Yn - ok mommy

After 15 minutes yn came down for lunch and after some time during lunch jin said something

Jin - you know today yn used a curse word for the first time

Jihyung - ok, wait what the in fu*king world. Why wasn't i there

Yn mom - and you are happy about it jin

Jin - i am happy and a bit disappointed not too much as well i am just feeling some pride at the moment.

Yn - please stop this topic or i am gonna get angry again

Jin - ok ok princess

Yn - hmm

Yn mom - but what did she say though

Jin - bi*ch

Jihyung - who made her that angry so that she had to use a curse word 

Jin - there is this girl named liala she did

Yn mom - ok enough you can talk later

After lunch
Yn was going ti her room and jin called her

Jin - princess come to my room after completing your homework

Yn - ok daddy

professor father ( feat. JIN )Where stories live. Discover now