Chapter 20

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Survival of the fittest. The world is controlled by the will of the strong. The prey can't cross its predator, the natural set boundaries. Those who try to cross their boundaries get crushed, but that doesn't necessarily mean its unfair. Everything is a predator as much as it is a prey. We are not exactly classified into the weak and the strong, rather we are in categories of strong with weakness being the undeniable difference. For instance; A lion is strong to a cheetah, a cheetah is strong to a gazel, a gazel is strong to grasses, grasses are strong to the ground. So also a cheetah can't overcome its weakness to challenge a lion neither can a gazel overcome its weakness to challenge a cheetah  in that order. Stay in your zone of strength and you'd live a long purposeful life.

I didn't always belive in this. But the everyday society made it more prominent. My father was a pushover at his workplace. He basically licked the feet of his bosses. He'd smile and shriek with every insult he received, but once he was home, he gave the orders no one could refuse. The same man who bowed his head to his bosses, barked at my mother while she cowered to him. So also my mother, who would cower to a man I considered pathetic, would stand and speak on a high horse to me. She would even hit me when I refused to follow her orders. I had difficulty growing to accept this reality.

Unfortunately for me, this hierarchy of life is even more prominent in schools. You can't defy the upperclassmen or else you wanted to be trashed completely. I mean they beat up their lower classes for far less and since you'd always have someone lower than you, it's fair. You get to be your own strong as long as you stayed in your zone. I finally understood this. I finally made it my core and my principle. My history and experiences made it so. Then I met Su.

She was pathetic. She didn't understand or rather, she didn't want to understand something so simple. She'd always flare up and get beat up. It was getting sad to see. So I approached her.

"What's your problem. Why can't you understand your place in this world. The same core that gave your father a red source is giving you a yellow source. It just shows how much potential you have." I stated blankly. The truth was bitter but she had a duty to accept it and move on.

"What! The fuck! Who do you think you are to mutter those words to her!" She responded with a fierce look.

"I didn't say it to insult you nor am I saying it's a bad thing. Just know your place and accept you can never cross your weakness. You can clearly see that there's a gap between your source class and the next. You are not even the strongest in your source class. Why don't you focus on that and be happy instead of picking fights with everyone when you are weak."

Her eyes filled with tears. It was the frustration of the truth, one which I knew perfectly. But with this she would be able to overcome her suffering.

"You... you bastard!" She screamed as she punched me in the face. I barely felt it. It was exactly as I had told her. She could never overcome her weakness. If she didn't understand my words then she'd understand this. I clenched my fist and punched her deep in her guts. She fell on her knees and passed out. I thought she would learn from that but she didn't she kept fighting and kept getting knocked down even by me sometimes. Then one day, I woke up and reality began to change.

"Su knocked down a green source!"

"Really? who?"

"Some guy named Fred."

"Isn't he like her only friend."

"Must be a fluke or some sort of facade. I don't buy it."

The rumors rolled in. I didn't really pay much attention until the consistency became more prominent.

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