Chapter 21

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The crowd, the VIP's and even Kris stared at the entrance intensely as they waited. A countdown of sixty seconds appeared on the large screens. Su had a worried expression as she watched from the final round waiting room. As the time dropped to ten seconds, Kris let out a sigh of relief. Soon after, everyone could hear footsteps coming from the entrance point. Fred limped onto the stage and people cheered for him. Su let out a sigh of relief and cheered for Fred also.


"I see you've chosen death," Kris spoke with slight irritation in his voice while he dropped his folded hands.

"I wouldn't miss the opportunity to punch your smug face," Fred responded with a smirk.

"It's the confidence for me." Kris took a boxing stance and so did Fred.



Fred's cloak formed from his stomach till it engulfed his body while Kris' cloak formed from his fists till it engulfed his body.


Kris stomped his leg on the ground and burst out his energy. He pointed his left palm while glaring at Fred. Fred clenched his fists and crouched a bit.

"Tchh...," Kris hissed. His energy began to converge at his left hand, forming energy blast which he fired at Fred like a Gatling gun. Fred brought his hands to a guard position to tank the incoming blasts. The continuous barrage prevented him from doing anything else as his legs dragged back. He was feeling his hands go slowly numb when suddenly blasts started circling round and hitting him from all directions.

Kris gathered energy in his right hand and clenched it (while still launching the barrage of energy blasts at Fred). His hand began to vibrate as the ground below him depressed a bit. After shooting the last energy blast from his left, he followed it by sending the energy beam from his right hand with a boom. The beam travelled a short distance before booming a second time, getting larger. The energy blast in front of the beam split into three and zoomed with incredible speed, encircling Fred and blasting him at the same point on his back which caused him to fly forward into the incoming beam. The beam suddenly gathered and formed a large sphere. As Fred fell into it, the sphere reflected in his eyes as despair fell on his face.  A large explosion occurred, sending cracks running through the stage. Fred bounced thrice on the ground before dragging on his side.

As his body was about to stop, Kris stepped in front and kicked him in the guts. He coughed out while his eyes shrunk from the pain. The force of the kick launched him towards a wall. Just before he hit the wall, Kris sped close to him and jammed an energy sphere onto his face using it to slam his head into the wall. Kris pulled back a bit and the energy from the sphere migrated to the wall and exploded bringing Fred's head forward. At this point Fred's eyes had rolled back leaving him barely conscious. His head which moved forward was met by Kris fist which launched his head leftwards smashing into the wall. As it pulled back it met Kris other fist which launched his head rightwards smashing into the wall. Kris continued blow after blow and Fred kept sinking into the wall. Kris gave a heavy left swing that shattered Freds cloak and forced him spit out a trail of blood upwards. Kris right hand glowed and as he was about to drive it into Fred's guts, Fred released a large energy field from his body to push Kris backwards but unfortunately, Kris fist tore through the field thereby dispersing it before digging deep into Fred's guts. The impact was lesser than it ought to be, regardless Fred coughed out blood then fell flat on his face. Kris grabbed his hair and lifted him to his face level. Fred was so weakened he couldn't even cry out.

"Hey now, I hope you aren't about to croak. I warned you to forfeit but you refused. The least you can do is to be a proper practice dummy."

As he spoke to Fred, Kris' eyes blazed bright red. Fred lifted his hands weakly in an attempt to grasp Kris' hand, but Kris hurled him into the air then hit him in the back with a blast, causing him to crash onto his hand.

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