Part 1

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Ehari:"What's happening?"

Rayla:*runs in with her blades*WHAT IS HAPPENING WHO DO I NEED TO STAB!"

Moonlight:"no one"


Aaravos:"Why is everyone screaming in here"

Amaya*walks in and signs*'I have no idea what's happening'

Moonlight:"I will tell you when everyone is here"

*literally everyone else walks in*

Callum:"you will tell us what?"

Moonlight:"it's time to play truth or dare!"

Soren:"but I haven't had my bread sandwich yet"

Ezran:"what the hell is a bread sandwich jelly tarts are WAY better"

Claudia:"when do we start so Soren doesn't ruin the kitchen?"

Moonlight:"Now! We have our first dare from LilBlossom_16 she says"

Moonlight:"Now! We have our first dare from LilBlossom_16 she says"

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*yes I am very lazy*

Runaan:"does that include us?"


Ehari:"come here Runaan*kisses*

Viren:"that's discussing"

Claudia:"no it's L.O.V.E❤"

Moonlight:"who else is gay or lesbian here?"


Moonlight:"seriously? Amaya, Janai you to kiss"

Janai:"wait how do we know if we like eachother?"

Moonlight:"Idk JUST DO IT"


Moonlight:"nice... That's all we have today sadly"

Callum:"wait that's all?"

Moonlight:"yep anyways leave truth or dares in the comments everyone says bye"


This seems like a good start lol there's too many characters I will try to keep up with them and also did you guys see what thedragonprinceofficial did to there Instagram they literally deleted all there posts and changed the profile pic something big is happening hopefully something about season 4 you can leave theorys also in the comments

Word count:269

Truth Or Dare The Dragon PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now