as your girlfriend • ha sooyoung

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Currently obsessed with yves so here's an head cannon but if you see me mainly writing stories for karina and yves mind ur business /j

* flirts with you every chance she gets tbh

* i feel like she would be more of the dominant one in the relationship, i dont know why

* probably a very fun relationship where you guys can both just tease each other

* heejin was the one who got you guys together (she found out sooyoung had feelings for you due to her accidentally confessing to her about her feelings).

* she'd be such a cute girlfriend

* would love making you blush tbh

* i can see you both being very protective over each other

* ask her to sit on your lap, i beg

* she's the little spoon but you guys always switch 

* very supportive of everything you do

* but she will make sure she keeps you aware if you do something wrong

* she'd be the one to say 'i love you' first

* (masc) like karina she'd still your clothes mainly your hoodies tho

* she'd always hug you from behind whenever you are cooking or just simply talking to someone

* she might be the jealous type (maybe not depends)

* you would always tell her how pretty you think she is

* (femme) probably would leave clothes at your house cause she thinks its cute when you wear her stuff

* the girls of loona would expose her telling you how much she brags and gushes over you

* lets say she would be extremely embarrassed 

* you and hyejoo would probably tease her so much (but it would soon get turned onto you)

* her favorite petnames to call you would be baby, honey or lover

* you guys probably would own a lot of couple stuff mainly jewelry tho

* would teach you her groups choreography every chance she got

* talks about you every chance she gets

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