fromis when you call them by their name (middle)

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• "hey jiwon, can you hand me that please?"
• would literally stare at you with a blank expression on her face, but she would still get what you asked her to get you
• she didn't think much of it at first, but when you started to do it more frequently she started to get annoyed by it
• "jiwon, we need to leave soon. don't want to miss the movie."
• "it's baby, not jiwon"
• "but-"
• "it's baby."
• when you see the look on her face, you couldn't keep your heart from swelling at how cute she looked
• it takes everything in you not to run over there and kiss her all over
• in other words you were very quick to give in
• "you are so cute, i'm sorry baby."

• honestly i don't think she will care all that much 😭
• she'll definitely be confused at first, but she'd definitely get over it
• "hey jisun, im going to go to the convenient store do you want anything?"
• she'd definitely will question if she made you mad at first because you only ever called her 'baby', 'honey' or cute variations of her name
• "jisun, we still have that thing later today."
• "okay, y/n i wont forget."
• you'd probably freak out thinking she was upset with you, cause she never called you by your name even when you guys first met.
• but you tried to ignore it cause you did start it.
• but as the day went on and you didn't get any reaction
• you would probably start to get sulky after awhile that she hasn't said anything
• "can you at least act like it bothered you.."
• she'd laugh at you i feel
• "i'm sorry, i kinda thought you were going to get over it."

• i think she'd be similar to jisun and gyuri
• "hey seoyeon, are you still going out?"
• would be trying to recall if she did something throughout the day to figure out if she had upset you or not
• when nothing comes to mind she starts thinking the worst, but she'd definitely try her hardest not to show you it bothered her
• would do little things in hope that it can stop you from being upset with her
• but the more you called her by her first name she begins to get annoyed
• "seoyeon i—"
• "what the hell is your problem?"
• would be even more irritated over the fact that she had to use her energy
• you'd be taken aback by her outburst but then realized you may have been taking it too far
• "i don't have a problem?"
• "why have you been calling me by my name the whole day?"
• "it's a prank."
• she'd roll her eyes
• "a very stupid one."
• you would realize that it definitely did bother her when you see how relieved she looked afterwards

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