Chapter 6

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Danielle and Stefania had been texting a little here and there about Italy, but that was it.  Danielle was having really long car talks with Macey about Stefania and what Danielle wanted out of her relationship with her.  They also had long talks about Danielle's sexuality and what she wanted to share with the public.  She had an interview coming up with Valen and Sofi. Usually, her publicist told all interviewers that they couldn't ask her about her sexuality or her relationships.  It was off limits.  This isn't because she was embarrassed but it was private, and Danielle was a very private person. 

Macey was facetiming her family while Danielle was sitting on the deck drinking wine. A text popped up on her phone. -Hey. Just checking in. Thinking about you. - Danielle picked up the phone without thinking and called Stef. When she picked up, Danielle just started talking. "Stef, I know we're kind of taking a break from each other, but I need your advice. I don't know what to do and Macey can't help because she doesn't know the business. I'm sorry to interrupt your trip, but you help me when my mind is spinning and I'm spinning. " 

Stef was so happy to hear Danielle's voice, even though she was panicking and spiraling out. "Ok Danielle, what's going on?" 

"I'm thinking of coming out." Danielle blurted it out and saw the surprise on Stefania's face.

"What? Wow." Stefania was extremely surprised and knew what a big decision this was for her.  Stefania knew how proud Danielle was about her sexuality and fiercely private. She wondered what was going on in Danielle's mind.  She wondered if she felt pressured to come out because of what Stefania had said before she left.  Stefania had told her she wasn't sure if she would break her heart again because of her fear of her family's homophobia and of the public. "Why now, bambina?'

"It's not what you think, Stefania. I promise.  I'm not feeling forced.  I just have been thinking so much about you and us and me and what I want and what you need, and my fears and I kept coming to the same answer. I need to stop hiding." Dani stopped talking and just looked at Stef and started to cry. "I know that I may have lost you as more than a friend and we still need to talk, but I want you to be proud of me." 

"Danielle. I am always proud of you. I know why you're not public. That's not why I'm hesitant to start again."  At this time, they were both teary eyed. 

"I'm sorry that I bothered you. Thanks for your help.  See you in Italy." Danielle rushed to hang up the phone. 

"Shit!" Stefania felt like they were even further apart. Why the hell was this so hard? 

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