Chapter 7

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Danielle had been doing press for as long as she could remember.  She never got nervous. This was just part of her job.  As she got her computer ready for the interview, she was sweating like a stuck pig. "Macey I can't believe I'm doing this." Macey walked over to her and just gave her a hug.  "You got this D. It's time. Think of all those kids and teens you are helping and showing that you are not embarrassed." Danielle continued to keep busy getting ready. She took a deep breathe, put on the famous Danielle Savre smile and let the interview happen.

Right after she answered that question with "Yes. I've loved a woman", she felt her phone buzz.  She looked down and it was Stef. "I'm so proud of you bambina." Valen noticed right away that she had gotten a text that had distracted her and asked her about it.  Danielle covered with "It's Stef about our upcoming trip. Danielle was so touched that Stef was watching the interview and was proud of her.  Little did she know that the woman she was talking about was Stef.  Danielle had been with women sure, but the only one she had truly loved was Stefania and she ruined it.  Danielle got through the rest of the interview as the professional she is.  When it was over, she quietly put everything away and told Macey she needed some time and went on a walk to think.

As she was walking among the gorgeous Kentucky trails, Danielle realized something.  She was going to fight for Stefania, even if it meant losing her best friend.  Stef made her feel things that no one had ever felt before.  She felt confident around her and capable and so so happy.  Now, how was she going to do this? The first step was to get their friendship back on track.  She finally responded to Stef's text.  -Thanks, babe. I'm so happy you saw the interview- She then sent a picture of the beautiful view. As Danielle was walking back to her hotel, she had a lot on her mind.

In Brazil, Stefania also had a lot on her mind.  She was confused.  Why was Danielle breaking her vow of privacy now? Things with Leco had also been weird.  She had been clear since last Summer that they were just friends, but Leco seemed to want more.  Stef didn't know what she wanted; she knew it wasn't Leco. They were better as best friends.  She couldn't deny that she had strong feelings for Danielle, literally every fan saw it. She just was so hurt by her last year and Stefania didn't let people hurt her twice. 

Stef smiled at the text Danielle sent. Maybe they could just work on getting their friendship back on track. -Enjoy bambina. - She typed back.  At least they were texting back and forth.  This was progress.

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