Chapter 3

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The rest of the day was weird for the two best friends.  They tried to work as normal, but there was an elephant in the room and that elephant was big.  They were professionals so they didn't let it affect their work, but the people who knew them well knew something was up. Danielle went back to her trailer between scenes to sit and think, she knew that she had screwed up pretty royally.  She didn't mean to tell Stefania she loved her, but Stef was yelling at her and it just came out.

While she was sitting there, Stef came in.  "Dani, I know I said we would talk, and we need to talk, but I don't know what to do.  I love you too. Of course, I do.  But how is this time going to be different?  You just admitted to me you don't know who you are.  I know who I am and I know what I want.  I always have. I want you, but if you leave again you will break me.  I won't get through it.  So we need to figure out a lot of things.  For now though, we have a few days left of shooting and we need to be normal and get through it." With that, Stefania hugged Dani and walked out the door. 

Dani could not stop crying.  Stefania loved her, but didn't want to be with her.  She didn't know what to do.  How can she be normal when her heart is breaking. There was only one answer. She decided that for the good of the show and her friendship, she had to fix this. 

Stefania got back to her trailer and saw a note on her counter. She knew who it was from right away based on the handwriting. HEr stomach dropped because nothing good could come from Dani writing her a letter.

Dear Stef,

I'm so sorry that I'm making life so confusing for you and that I'm running so hot and cold. I never want to do anything to make you unhappy and I see in your eyes that you are.  It breaks my heart that you don't trust me. We've worked so hard to get to where we are, and I love the friendship we have, and I love it.  I need a break from us so I can forget all the feelings I have for you, because I'm not good for you as anything more than friends.  I'm toxic just like Los Angeles, I guess I've lived here too long. 

Stefania had to put down the letter, she was crying so hard.  She knew Dani was hard on herself but this letter was breaking her heart.  She loved and trusted Dani, all she wanted to do is talk to her and work through it together.  She wiped her tears and kept reading.

  I've called Krista and told her I had an emergency.  She said that she could right me out of the rest of the show, since you and I finished all the scenes for the immigration hearing.  I'm leaving for a bit. I'll keep in touch in a few weeks, but I need to get my head straight.  I'll see you in Italy.

Love you,


Stefanie immediately picked up her phone to call Dani and saw a text:

Bambina: Please don't call or text me.  I'll contact you when I'm ready.

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