The Escape

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Deku POV

Everything is set up to escape. I go to Mina while it's nighttime. I silently tell her to head to the door that we've been sneaking in and out of. She heads to the door and I then go over to Kenji and Umi. I gently shake them. They both open their eyes and look at me with confusion. I whisper to them and tell them to go to their Mother. They quietly stand up and go to Mina. Mina then opened the door and showed them the way to the cabin that I, mainly, made.

Mina POV

I take my kids out the secret too and head towards the cabin. The children were very confused about what was happening. I stopped moving forward. I looked at them and hugged them.

Ke: Momma?

Umi: Mom, where are we going?
- And why are you hugging us?

Mi: We're taking you away from here.

Ke: What do you mean?

Mi: Me and Izuku can't risk you kids getting caught and killed.

Umi: What about Mori, Kozue, and Haru?

Mi: We'll get them safe too.

I look up and see that the moon was getting lower and lower in the sky. I decide we don't have time to walk or run there ourselves. I pick up my children and run as fast as my long, pink legs can go. I get to the cabin. I run inside and look out the window we built in. The moon was fully set by now. I open my phone and text Izu. I tell him that I won't be able to get home today, as bringing the kids to the cabin took to long. I then felt Umi tug on my shirt. I put my phone away after I saw Izuku's response. I asked what she wanted and she told me that she wanted me to show her and Kenji around. And I do just that.

Deku POV

I closed my phone after Mina said she wouldn't be home. The kids soon woke up. They wondered where Umi and Kenji were at. I knew that they would be upset, so I told them that they are going to be back by tonight, along with 'Auntie' Mina. They said ok and went out to see if Kacchan would talk to them. He didn't even look at them. I told the kids to go back to the room. I walk out and go over to Kacchan. I grab his face gently and kiss him. He kissed back. Wait- HE KISSED BACK! He hasn't kissed me in months! I broke the kiss and looked him in the eyes.

Iz: Kacchan... why did you ignore me?

Kat: I ignored you?

Iz: You and Eijiro ignored me and Mina.

Kat: Oh, shit. Sorry, love.

Iz: It's fine.
- Anyways, Will you come with me and Mina to escape.

Kat: Where to?

Iz: The forest. Where else?

Kat: Right.
- Of course I'll escape with you, the kids, Mina, and Eijiro.

I sat there. I went over to Eijiro and checked to see if he'd talk to me or not. He doesn't. I see if Kacchan can snap him out of whatever trance he's in. He can't do anything. I pull out my phone and text Mina. I tell her that she needs to kiss her husband in order to snap him back to reality. She said that she'll kiss him when she comes back tonight.

Throughout the day, we enjoyed our time. I'm glad I found out how to make Kacchan go back to his senses. Kacchan was playing with the kids and talking with me about what was going on. Eventually, nighttime arrived. Mina came in through the door as quietly as she could. She went over to Eijiro and kissed him. I saw him kiss back. I think he used his tounge too. Anyways, I tell the triplets to go with Mina and they follow since I was quite serious about this. I also told them to not linger around to much, do what Auntie Mina says, and to stay quiet. Mina then takes the kids out of the door she came in through just a few minutes ago.

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