Paris Trip Pt.3

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Nicks POV

Tao had slid something in my pocket as I was walking with charlie to the bathroom. Once we got to the bathroom and reached into my pocket he had slid two things in my pocket actually. A condom and.... lube?!?!

I started to turn red and it had caught Charlies attention.

Charlies POV

Nick was bright read and was stumbling a bit as we walked to the bathroom. We went into the bathroom and i walked over to the tub and sat on the rim.

"Hey Nick is everything ok?", I said.

"Oh....yeah", he mumbled.

I walked over to him and sat on his lap. We started to make out until we heard a knock on the door and we both looked at the door until I climbed off and opened the door.

It was Tao.

"Hey um Darcy is puking and we all need to get to our rooms before the teacher yells at us", He mumbles.

Nicks POV

Of course Tao cock-blocked us.

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