Episode 2

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We see as luscious get inside the Bentley as he had the hectic morning with cookie coming to his house and Anika trying to get cookie all jealous with her figure and cookie almost exposing her initial investment of 400k in drug money to empire We see as the Bentley start to drive he take so his phone And calls Jermaine

Jermaine:what's up pops

Luscious: Leviticus it's gonna open and I want to debut Hakeem career and I want you to help him

Jermaine:you want me to be his backup

Luscious:yes so your brother can be in the spot light

Jermaine:yeah sorry pops but nope I'm Jermaine Lyon ever sense I started I been headline i won't start become a back up but I know something that can help both of us

Luscious:and what's that

Jermaine:I open Leviticus and I introduces Hakeem and Jamal if he wants too but in return I want my own Record Label conjunction with empire

Luscious:no not happening your asking too much from me first you want to open Leviticus and then you want to have your own Record label your crazy thinking I'll do that

Jermaine:thats the plan just by this conversation you want Hakeem to become the new head of empire

Luscious:and if that is what I want

Jermaine:then I support you but I'll be damn 25 percent of my shit goes to him so when he does become the new head I'll already have my own record label with out Hakeem or you interfering

Luscious:I'll be damn to let you conjunction a record label with empire and expect me to let it happen

Jermaine:careful luscious don't take this as disrespect take this at me leaving the nest

Luscious:do what's ever you want boy but you ain't opening up Leviticus and I'll be damn to let you make your own record label

Jermaine:then that's where we stand I'll see you at the office

Luscious:yeah you too

He then hang up before rubbing his face he thought Jermaine would do this but he can't take what Jermaine did on his own luscious signed Jermaine as an artist who had already blown up By Himself

-scene change-

We see Jermaine walking down the hall where tiana was supposed to be recording see Anika sent Jermaine a text to check up on Tiana and tell that she would be late and to make sure everything is running smoothly but when he enters the room he sees his little brother disturbing the girls and they where doing their music video

He then walks up to them as Hakeem and his friends where just settling down

Hakeem:your having fun


Then Jermaine come into view with everyone going quiet in shock as the young legend was present

Jermaine:that hell are you doing Hakeem

Hakeem:oh eh nothing bro I was just checking the new talent

Jermaine:alright then it time for you to get out

Hakeem:what the... but why bruh

Jermaine:Anika sent me to make sure they where alright now I won't say it again Hakeem get your friends and leave this lady's got work to do

Hakeem:alright alright let go y'all

With obvious sighs they all left

Jermaine:yo Hakeem

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