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Veronica ruffled through her jacket pockets and pulled out a box of cigarettes. She laughed to herself and held them out to show Eddie, who hadn't left her side. "Look, they're still dry."

     Eddie snatched the box from her hands with wide eyes, "So you've been leeching off of my cigarettes and you've had your own this whole time?" Veronica didn't reply, but threw her head back in laughter instead. He put his hand to his heart and played offended. He took a cigarette from her and placed it between his lips. Veronica leaned up and lit it for him then lit one for herself.

     Eddie placed an arm around her shoulders and leaned down into her ear, "I'm still holding you to that promise."

     Veronica grinned and looked into his eyes. "He is so goddamn beautiful," she thought.

      "Good," she whispered. "Because I intend to keep it."


The group was walking in silence. Eddie still had his arm around Veronica, holding her close. "Steve, hey man." Steve turned to look at Eddie, who was wearing his jacket. "I just wanted to thank you for saving my ass back there."

     "Shit, man. You saved your own ass," Steve hit Eddie on his shoulder playfully.

     "That was a real Ozzy move you pulled back there, biting that bat's head off," Eddie laughed. Steve turned to look at him, confused. "Ozzy Osbourne? Black Sabbath?" Steve still looked confused.

      "Seriously?" Veronica laughed at his confusion.

     "He bit a bat's head off on stage?" Eddie said, still trying to jog Steve's memory.

     "Nope, sorry," Steve shrugged.

     "Never mind," Eddie chuckled. "It was really metal of you." Steve nodded in thanks and Veronica turned to Eddie with a disgusted look on her face.

     "Did he really bite a bat's head off?" She asked.

     "Yup," He laughed at her and ruffled her hair a bit. "1982, baby."  Veronica grimaced.

    "Poor bat," she whispered. Eddie leaned down and kissed her head in comfort.

     "So, what, you two are a thing now?" Steve asked, amused, after turning around to look at the two dragging behind.

     "I could ask the same thing about you and Nancy," Veronica said, taking a draw of her cigarette. Steve went white and turned back around.

      Veronica wondered about her little cousin, if he was alright, if Max was alright, if she and Lucas had finally gotten back together.

    "Please be okay, Dustin," she thought.

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