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Anne and the Planter family just defeated the 'mud monster', when they were heading back Anne and Sprig got separated from Polly and HP

"It was so funny when the m-" Sprig starts as they've been wandering in the forest for a bit but quickly gets cut off by Anne "Hey um.. Sprig, where did Hop Pop and Polly go?" She says whilst looking around. "Oh they're probably just playing a prank on us." As soon as he says that they hear a roar coming from behind them.

They slowly turn and see a giant centipede, Anne screams "Where did that even come from!" and they run away, the monster hot on their trail. After awhile they see a door, it's kind of odd it has a large eye on it and it's in the middle of a forest but they don't think about that as the monster is gaining on them.They go through the door not noticing Polly and Hop Pop trying to get to them.

They're in a tent of some sorts, they hear some ruckus outside and before they can react everything starts magically packing up and floating to a woman with long grey hair as she is running away from what looks like some sort of guards.

"What is happening!" Anne whisper yells to Sprig. "Whoa! This place is full of humans, isn't this your world?" Sprig says, curious. "No! Look around there are also a bunch of monsters here!"

They look around as they're panicking and see they are in a marketplace of sorts. "Look over there that lady has the door we came through!" Sprig yells and they start going after her.

With Hop Pop and Polly moments earlier
"Where did those darn kids run off to now?" HP exclaims only now noticing their disappearance. "Probably off fighting a cool monster without me as always." Polly replies, annoyed how they are always off on cool adventures without her.

They hear a monster roar in the distance "Heck yeah let me get in on that action!" Polly yells and starts going in that direction. "Polly, language!" Hop Pop says  and then shortly after  adds "and slow down!"  while he tries to catch up to her.

When they get to where they hear the screaming they see Anne and Sprig running up to a weird looking door "Hey, wait up Anne, Sprig!" Polly tries to get their attention but no luck as they go through the weird looking door as it disappears. "Where did it go!" Hop Pop says confused.

Only now noticing the monster that they heard roar earlier closing in on them. They start running but Polly is just a pollywog and Hop Pop is an old man so they're not very quick. They see a way out of the forest and Hop Pop says, already out of breath "Look, if we just get there maybe we can call for help!"

They get out of the forest and see Soggy Joe "HELP! We're Being chased by a monster!" Polly says getting the attention of Soggy Joe. "Whaat! Let's get out of here!" He gets on his soggy snail ready to go. "What no, let's fight it, I want an adventure" Polly complains but HP just picks her up and says "absolutely not."

They get on the snail as the monster comes out of the forest. They speed away and far away from the monster until they see Bessie. "Right where I left her." Hop Pop says and pets Bessies shell. Polly just looks annoyed still. "Thank ya Soggy Joe!" Hop Pop says and gives him a Hop Pop I.O.U.

"Now that we're not being chased by a super cool monster, WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED TO SPRIG AND ANNE." Polly says forgetting her earlier anger at Hop Pop. They discuss it and decide to go home and try to find something about the door as it had been an hour and they still weren't back.

With Spranne
They follow her for a bit until she takes off on a staff with an owl carved on it managing to lose the guards, and also Sprig and Anne. "Humans can fly!?" Sprig says surprised. "What of course not, she's obviously not human she must be a..." Anne starts but trails off "A witch or something but they're not real!" Anne adds after a bit of silence. "Well neither were frog people." "Oh my gosh what if witches are real!" Sprig cuts off her little monologue and says "Hey Anne she went into that forest maybe we can find her there."  Anne gets back to reality and exclaims "Good idea Sprig"

They wander the forest a bit until they hear voices. "Pshh.. Sprig do you hear that?" Anne whispers, Sprig starts to walk towards the voices and Anne follows. They hide behind some bushes and see 3 kids around their age, two of them look like they're... duelling? While the other one cheers them on.

"Hey, maybe we can ask them for help?" Sprig asks and begins to walk towards them "No wait Sprig!" Anne stops him. "Maybe we should think this through, they look human, minus the magic" Anne starts "They might not be used to frog uhm.. boys?" Sprig agrees to wait in the bushes just in case.

While Anne and Sprig were talking the kids finished duelling so Anne walked up to them as they sat on the ground chatting. "Erm hey.." Anne greets them, they look up surprised. All of the sudden the one that was watching the duel earlier shot up "Oh my gosh ANOTHER HUMAN EEEK" They shrieked, Anne was a little surprised, another human? "I'm Luz Noceda! This is Gus and this is Willow, and you are?"

Hey sorry if its bad its my first time writing a fanfic and english isnt my first language :)
976 words

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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