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"i wish we were the youngest siblings."

THE TWO GIRLS WERE running around the house, trying to solve every little problem that was going on. Their sister, Elise, was drawing on the walls, the twins, Theo and Hugo, were shooting their toy guns at each other, but they were hitting everything but themselves and Louie was trying to climb a tree in their backyard. The only one behaving themselves was the youngest sibling, Camille. She was just looking at the fish tank.

Marcella, the eldest sibling was running around the house, trying to get everyone to calm down while Jaqueline was climbing the tree, trying to get to Louie. He was sitting on one of the tallest branches that was also really thin and she could hear it cracking.

"Louie, can you come this way, please? You're making this really difficult." Jaqueline already had enough cuts from falling off of her skateboard and climbing a tree and accidentally scraping her skin against the bark was not helpful. Louie was crying since he was scared of heights, which is why Jaqueline couldn't fathom why he decided to climb a tree.

Jaqueline reached the branch he was on and held out her hands. "Here. Louie, slowly come towards me and take my hand."

Louie started to slowly inch towards his older sister on the branch until he took hold of her hand. With some maneuvering, Jaqueline was able to carry Louie down the tree, with some struggle, but as soon as she put him on the ground, he took his older sister's hand and she walked him back in the house where Marcella was standing in between Theo and Hugo, right in their line of fire. She was being shot with darts from their toy gun, and Jaqueline decided to put a quick end to this.

Jaqueline grabbed the toy gun right from Theo's hands and shot Hugo in the forehead, causing the suction cup on the end of the dart to stick to his forehead.

"Both of you, upstairs. And get ready for bed." Jaqueline commanded.

"You too, Louie." Marcella ordered. The youngest brother and the two twins ran upstairs and the two eldest siblings let out breaths of relief.

"I'm never going to get used to looking after them." Marcella huffed as she sort of fell into the arm chair behind her. Jaqueline sat on the couch across from her and let out a sigh before pointing out, "It just sucks that our moms work all the time. God, I wish we were the youngest siblings."

"No kidding." The Rochelle family is an interesting one at that. Michelle and Tammy Rochelle had moved to California from France ten years ago and as soon as they were settled in and properly situated, they began their family. The two women had adopted Marcella and Jaqueline first when Jaqueline was eight and Marcella was ten.

The two girls were now sixteen and eighteen, but they were friends in the orphanage that they both lived in. That's primarily why Michelle and Tammy adopted them, so that there was less tension. As the years went on, the two adopted Theo and Hugo, who were twins, were adopted next. They were pretty much inseparable and they were both troublemakers. Not a good combination.

Next, they adopted Elise who was the middle child. Theo and Hugo are eleven, Elise is eight. She's very artistic, so Marcella and Jaqueline have spent many nights cleaning off crayon on the walls. Then they adopted Louie, who was seven, but he was turning eight soon. He's very adventurous, but he's also a scaredy cat, so he tends to get stuck in a lot of places. Finally, there's the youngest child at age six, Camille. She's very quiet and reserved, very interested in animals. She is by far Marcella and Jaqueline's favourite. Camille doesn't really talk to anyone besides Jaqueline. She's had a bad experience with parents in the past and Jaqueline makes her feel safe.

Tammy and Michelle have very busy lives with their seven kids and jobs. They take a lot of business trips which leaves Marcella and Jaqueline in charge. They don't have too bad of a time taking care of the kids, it's just sometimes, everything gets out of hand and they can't stop it. The only thing that's really helping them is the fact that Marcella is extremely organized and Jaqueline is scary.

Marcella is very artistic as well, which is why she can take care of Elise fairly well, but Jaqueline scares everyone, no matter what age. Jaqueline is a very confident person and she sticks up for what she believes in, so when someone is being rude, she doesn't hesitate to insult them. Jaqueline gets herself into a lot of fights, but she can back up her words since she's taken self defense since she was adopted by the lesbian couple. Jaqueline can beat the shit out of anyone who pisses her off.

Really the main reason she talks back or gets into fights is because Jaqueline is friends with a group of outsiders who get bullied constantly. She's very protective, so Jaqueline is usually defending her friends. Quite honestly, no one understands why she's friends with who she's friends with since Jaqueline could easily be apart of the popular crowd, but Jaqueline doesn't care about that. She'd rather be friends with real, truthful people.

Jaqueline's done pretty good with surrounding herself with positive people, but nothing will stop her from defending her friends from the horrible people at their school. Especially her best friend, Eli Moskowitz.


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