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B U L L 

"i especially don't want to be in an environment where jackie can legally hit me."

⸺JAQUELINE, DEMETRI, ELI AND Miguel were all in the cafeteria once again, but they had to listen to their principle talk. No one was really listening considering no one really cared about what she was saying since everyone was going to continue what they were being told not to do. The four of them were listening, but Jaqueline was drawing on her knee through the rip on her jeans.

"Cyberbullying is no laughing matter. Sending a cruel message to someone online can be just as hurtful as saying it to their face. I'm not gonna name names, but the other day, a mother called me up because her son was crying after some kids online made fun of his facial deformity." As soon as that last quote was spoken, everyone looked over at Eli since it was obvious it was him.

Eli immediately put a hand over his mouth, trying to hide his scar, but everyone was still pointing and whispering. Jaqueline wasn't amazing with comforting people, but she tried her best. Jaqueline grabbed his other hand and held it in hers. She interlocked their fingers and rubbed his hand with her thumb. Eli felt his cheeks heat up, but when he looked over at his best friend, she almost seemed unbothered. Like this affection wasn't making her flustered.

"But today, our goal here is to make this school a safe place for all students." The principal continued. Miguel turned to look at Eli and he had a small idea in mind that could really help his friend. "You know, if you're sick of being bullied, my karate dojo's looking for recruits."

"Yeah, right. You hear that Eli? A little karate training and you're gonna kick some major ass." Demetri taunted, but Miguel just shook his head. He was really serious about his karate training. "I'm serious, Demetri, alright? My sensei's the real deal, and I'm sure I could get you guys discounts."

"Could you actually?" Jaqueline asked, suddenly interested in the topic. Miguel nodded. "Yeah, but I thought you took self defense?"

"I do, but the place where I take it is shutting down. Something about the German mafia using it as a front for money laundering. But I need somewhere new to take out my anger." Jaqueline explained. Miguel nodded his head. "I'll send you the address. What about you guys?"

Miguel was referring to the two other boys. Jaqueline has always been the fighter of the group considering she could literally win a fight, but she was also much more confident than the other two, so she usually stuck up for them when they were too nervous to do it themselves.

Eli was slightly interested in the karate class, but Demetri had spoken for the both of them before he could say anything. "As enticing as that sounds, I think we'd rather spend our afternoons playing Crucible Control than getting hit in the face. I especially don't want to be in an environment where Jackie can legally hit me."

"I wouldn't hit you that hard...most of the time." Jaqueline had mumbled the last part, but Demetri heard her. He just sent her a bored expression and let out a breath. Jaqueline didn't hate Demetri, even if it seemed as though she did. She and Demetri's friendship was just them bullying each other constantly.

"Oh, and one last thing." The principal began. "While we're all looking forward to the Halloween dance, let's make sure our costumes are culturally sensitive. For example, instead of sexy nurse, maybe try gender neutral hospital employee."

Just about everyone the cafeteria, including Jaqueline laughed at that comment. All of her friends looked over at her with furrowed eyebrows since they didn't expect Jaqueline to be one who dressed more revealing for a Halloween costume. Demetri was the one who vocalized their confusion. "Why are you laughing? What, are you gonna dress up as a sexy nurse?"

"No, I'm going as Carrie, but the dress makes me look hot." Jaqueline complimented herself.

"You always look hot." Miguel added onto the compliment. Ever since they became friends, they've been each other's cheerleaders. It was almost the opposite of what she and Demetri's friendship was like. Jaqueline put her free hand on Miguel's shoulder and joked, "Where have you been all my life."

It didn't take long for Miguel to become good friends with this group. Eli was still very quiet, but he was quiet around everyone, so it wasn't shocking. Demetri and him got along well since they liked a lot of the same movies and shows, and Jaqueline and Miguel just got along with each other. He was already a regular member of the group.

⚘        ⚘

Just after school, Eli and Jaqueline were walking home together since they live on the same street, just opposite ends. As they were walking, Jaqueline had this thought in her mind that wouldn't leave. "Hey, why didn't you tell me?"

Jaqueline knew it was hard for Eli to talk about his facial deformity since he hated it so much, but she always thought it was beautiful. She just saw it as apart of him, a flaw like any other, but Eli saw it as a curse. He furrowed his eyebrows, not sure of what Jaqueline was talking about. "Tell you about what?"

"The fact you were crying." Eli immediately lowered his head, not wanting Jaqueline to know that. "I could've helped you. Don't know how, but I'd figure it out. I really care about you and if you want, I can break the knees of the people who are mean to you."

"Please don't do that. But thank you." Eli thanked. He was clearly still slightly upset and Jaqueline did know how to make it feel better. It was just at her own expense. Jaqueline wrapped her arms around Eli and he simply tapped her arms as a small thank you. "You never hug me."

"I hate hugging, but you're worth it." Jaqueline complimented. Eli's face turned bright red and he immediately became flustered. He tried to formulate words, but he was having trouble. "Y-You can let go if you want to."

"Do you feel better?" Eli nodded his head and Jaqueline immediately let go. She's never really liked showing affection, but when her friends really needed it, she helped them out. Especially when it's Eli. They've always been much closer than they were with Demetri, but that was because there was some kind of deeper feelings that the two had. Eli knew about these feelings, but much to his dismay, Jaqueline didn't.


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