Chapter 5: A Creature of Sorts

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Sunlight streamed into my new room telling me to start my day. I stretched my arms over my head as a yawn escaped my mouth and got out of bed.

I immediately missed the warmth of the blankets, but Maggie had just come in with breakfast and I didn't want to keep her waiting.

"Is there anything else I can get you My Lady?"

"No, this is great, thank you. And please, call me Talia."

Maggie nodded and left. Despite the fact that I've lived my entire life by myself, I've never felt lonier than I do right now. Here I was in a beautiful room with way more food than I could possibly eat and I had no one to share it with.

It made a small part of me miss the dungeons. At least with all the cup banging I knew I wasn't alone. Here, the silence is deafening and it made me uneasy.

I finished my breakfast quickly, hardly making a dent in the food Maggie had brought, and rung the bell next to my bed. No more than five minutes later, all three of my maids came into my room.

"How might we help you Lady Talia?" Maggie asked, thinking she'd gotten around calling me just Talia.

"I was wondering if I could have a bath."

"Of course."

I honestly wasn't expecting them to say yes, I usually only got a bath once a week, but I guess they didn't know I'd had one yesterday. Was it wrong of me to lie?

Maggie sent Lina and Anna to draw a bath and went about cleaning up my breakfast.

"And Maggie?" She turned to me. "Just Talia."

Maggie sighed and nodded before going back to cleaning. With a satisfied smile on my face, I strolled into the bathing chamber. Lina and Anna were talking quietly amongst themselves and giggling. They made the work fun for themselves.

But when they noticed I'd entered, they turned silent.

"You guys can talk," I told them. "I don't mind."

They looked to each other, then back at me, and then back at each other.

"Seriously you guys, talk. I like it. It makes it feel less lonely."

"We were just laughing about how uptight Maggie has gotten since you got here. Her inner perfectionist has reached a whole new level," Lina said with a giggle.


Anna's eyes were wide and she looked shocked, but when I laughed along with Lina she relaxed.

"So, how long have you guys been working here?" I asked them.

"I grew up here," Lina started. "Maggie was friends with my mom so when she passed, Maggie took me in."

"I'm so sorry."

I knew the pain of losing a mother. It wasn't something anyone should have to go through.

Lina brushed me off and motioned for Anna to talk.

"I've been here for two years," she said softly.

I waited for Anna to say more, but it appeared that she was done speaking. I'd get her to open up sooner or later.

"So, we heard you are marrying the Prince. Is that true?" Lina asked me.

Once again, Anna looked shocked.

"He hasn't decided yet," I told her. "I'm staying a month at the end of which he will decide."

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