Chapter 29: The End

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All of my friends and family were waiting in the courtyard to greet us when we arrived home. I rotated through everyone giving hugs.

"I'm so glad you're ok," Lina said.

Everyone agreed and we moved into the sitting room to talk.

"I hear you saved my son's life," Queen Maria directed at me.

"She did," Beck answered.

"Yeah, it was awesome," Ty said. "I told all of you she's a viscous one. You've been warned."

Ty winked at me and I sent him a glare. I swear I saw him shiver.

"Well thank you," Maria said.

"Of course."

We talked a little more before going to our respective rooms. It felt like an eternity since I'd been here. I missed it.

Wrapping my arms around Beck's neck, I kissed him with all the passion I had. He quickly responded, gripping my waist in his large hands.

"I love you," I smiled onto his lips.

"I love you more."

Beck picked me up and I shrieked as he threw me onto the bed and started tickling me.

"Stop!" I laughed. I could barely breathe through it.

Beck finally released me and collapsed down next to me.

"I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you," he said.

And I couldn't agree more.

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