Chapter 7: Meeting the Parents

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I was reading in the library when Lina and Anna came in.

"Talia, you have to come get ready," Anna told me.

"For what?"

I racked my brain trying to think of any upcoming events or activities, but I couldn't come up with anything. Beckham hadn't mentioned anything going on today.

"Dinner with the King and Queen."

My jaw dropped. It was just then that I realized I'd never met the King and Queen. I guess I just kind of assumed there weren't any.

"They just got back from a trip to another kingdom," Anna explained, sensing my confusion.

I nodded my head and followed Anna and Lina back to my chambers. I can't believe this was just sprung on me! Why didn't  Beckham tell me his parents were coming home. What if they don't like me!

Anxious thoughts tumbled around in my head while the girls helped me get ready. My mind was so jumbled I hardly realized it when I was all ready.

Shaking my head, I took a look in the mirror. I was wearing a light pink gown with poofy sleeves and my hair was done up in braids.

"You've outdone yourselves once again," I told Lina and Anna.

"I couldn't agree more."

I turned towards the voice and found Beckham. He strolled into my room looking very nice himself in a pair of black slacks and a white shirt that showed off all of his muscles. Not that I was looking.

Beckham offered me his arm and I took it, waving goodbye to Anna and Lina.

"Why didn't you tell me your parents would be here today? I feel unprepared."

"Don't worry, you'll be great. They'll love you."

"I don't know..."

I don't exactly have the best track record with parental figures. My own father resents me!

Beckham gave my hand a reassuring squeeze and led me into the dining hall. Seated at a long table were the King and Queen.

Queen Maria was quite beautiful. Beckham got all his looks from her; his brown wavy hair and honey eyes. His height though, he got from his father.

"Mother, Father, meet Talia," Beckham introduced me.

The King and Queen stood and I dropped into a curtsy.

"Your Majesty's."

"Oh none of that," the Queen said. "Call me Maria and my husband is Alexander."

I nodded with a smile and we all sat down to eat. King Alexander vacated the seat at the head of the table and sat next to his wife. Beckham sat across from his father and I sat next to him.

The first course was served and I was pleasantly surprised to see that all of the royal family thanked the servants. My father never did that and I didn't know about my brother because I'd never met him. I always made sure to let the help know I appreciated them. They work so hard to make our lives easier.

"Talia, tell me about yourself," Maria said.

I swallowed the bite of food I'd just taken before responding. "I'm afraid there isn't much to tell."

"There must be something. What are your interests?"

"I like reading," I told her. "Oh! And Charlie. He's the sweetest."

Queen Maria laughed and I blushed.

"It's true," Beckham said. "He ditched me to sleep in Talia's room."

That was also true. Charlie had started sleeping with me, but it might have to do with the fact that I let him sleep in my bed.

"So you're an animal person!"

"I think so. I've only seen Charlie and the horses. I'd like to see more though."

Conversation moved on and Queen Maria and I discussed some of our favorite books while the boys talked about business. Queen Maria and I liked many of the same books and she told me a few I should try next.

When dinner was over, I was a little bit sad. I had a really good time with Beckham and his family. I wish I'd grown up with a family like this.

I pushed those thoughts away and gave Maria a hug goodbye.

"It was lovely meeting you Talia," she said.

"You too."

After saying my goodbyes, I excused myself to go off to bed. I was pretty tired and I was having a hard time keeping the negative thoughts at bay.

At least you have a father. I told myself. Some people don't have any parents at all.

That thought helped calm the negative ones and I was able to go to sleep.

Silver linings really are my saving grace.



"I like her," Mother stated after Talia left.

"Me too," Father agreed.

They both looked at me expectantly and I couldn't help but chuckle.

"Yeah, yeah. I like her too."

Mother squealed and ran up to me to give me a hug.

"I knew it! You two will be perfect together!"

"Whoa. I said nothing about marriage. I still haven't decided."

"What more is there to think about?" Mother asked. "She's perfect."

I couldn't help but agree. Not that I'd ever admit that to Mother. I just wanted to see where things would go in the weeks I have left with Talia. I also want to make sure she likes me and doesn't feel like she is being forced into marrying me. I know how this stuff works and I've seen many noble ladies get pushed into marriages they don't want. I could never do that to someone, let alone someone as sweet as Talia.

Still, it was her blue eyes I fell asleep to just like every other night since we met.

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