Chapter 3: Are you bad?

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"There you are!"
Jimin's dad said in a panic, he was worried for his little baby, jimin was always home on time, or maybe 5 minutes late but a whole 15 minutes past and jimin was nowhere to be found, not until 5 seconds ago where his dad had just got out of the house where he was gonna search for him.

"You scared me, I thought something bad must've happened I-"

"Appa, i'm okay, I just went to visit Hyunjin and Seungmin-ah.."

"Ahh, those kidz? haven't seen them for awhile, maybe you could invite them for dinner tonight!"

"Uh no thanks appa, they're doing something.."

"Well tell them to come over at some point, and the foods done whenever you wanna eat"


Jimin walked through the front door hurriedly as the Big wolf was still in his mind. He eventually decided to forget about it, as it was probably a 1 time thing

"Hmm, I haven't seen a black wolf since I was a little kid, I wonder if its the same wol-"

A big crash was heard downstairs...

Jimin's heart dropped

He grabbed his bat that had a couple nails in just in case, and his pepper spray was already in the pocket of his pants, He ran downstairs, only to see his father peacefully sleeping on the couch, snoring, with the tv on. Confusingly, jimin looked around for the source of the bang he heard a minute ago. He walked into the kitchen with his guard up looking to his left he saw the backyard door open.

Jimin froze

Frightened with fear as it was almost nighttime, sun getting lower and lower fading away into the deepness of the night.

Searching and searching was all jimin did

He finally stood infront of the same woods right behind his house, looking at it daringly as if jimin was asking for something to scare him.

Jimin turned around feeling satisfied that there was nothing, but once he did he felt the atmosphere change dramatically, the same he felt last time.

The same chill up his back

The same shiver that coursed throught his whole well-being

The goosebumps that arose on his neck

He turned around slowly to be met with the same eyes he saw before

Those deep Amber eyes...

But there was more? More eyes that came up,

Now there was a black pare, once that were darker than its fur, deep blackholes that swallowed jimin up like he was a tiny little bug.

Icy blue eyes, cooler than the sky, but darker than the sea. Eyes that held so much depth, ones that were seeking his own lonely honey brown ones.

Jimin stared at the eyes as they bored into his soul searching for anything they thought as a threat, one of them finally walked to him, Far to big to be considered a "normal" wolf, it was at least 3-5 times bigger than a regular wolf, It was the amber eyes one.

Jimin just stood there as the wolf looked at jimin, tilting his head to the left as if it was expecting a different reaction other than jimin staring at it with big round eyes.

Jimin said, he was kinda scared looking at the tall wolf.


The wolf made a small growl noise as if it was replying to jimin.

Jimin looked at it again, Still scared but, the fur looked so soft, jimin really wanted to touch it.
But before he could the wolf jumped infront of him pushing his big head onto jimin's stomach, his head almost the size of jimin's whole body. The wolf wined and pushed his head more towards jimin as if he wanted jimin to touch him.

"Ahh, do you want pets?"
The wolf only wined more

"okay okay you big baby"

Jimin said as he was slowly getting comfortable around the big wolf. He rubbed the wolf's head gently only to be met with the soft fur ever to exist, he touched it more and more, loving the feeling, jimin explored the ears of the wolf and the wolf wined louder, his foot tapping on the ground.

"Oh did I get the spot?" jimin said in a cute voice as he was starting to fall in love with the puppy-like wolf
The wolf wined in response and layed on his back, jimin smiled as he started rubbing its stomach and rubbed the face of the wolf.

Jimin unknowingly released his comforting omega pheromones, making the wolf stop moving, It's ears perked up and it stood back up pushing jimin on his back, jimin looked at the wolf confused and was starting to get nervous as the wolf opened its mouth only to lick the little bit of skin that was exposed on his stomach. Jimin moved away a bit, he was confused with the wolfs actions. Jimin's own action did little to the wolf as it started licker jimin's exposed thighs. jimin changed his pants 5 minutes before he heard the bang, which he still didnt know the cause of.

The wolf kept licking up jimins legs as by now jimin was a little bit scared as every time he would push softly at the big head to stop the wolf kept going. The wolfs tongue eventually landed on jimin's neck, the licks turned into little nibbles, jimin gasped and subconsciously leaned his neck back presenting himself to the wolf, the wolf let out a loud wine as it started going im between licking and nibbling,

jimin rasped out, he realized it was a unknown wolf he was accidentally presenting himself to, he quickly tried to put his neck up straight but the wolf nosed it back, The wolf was bow letting out its pheromones, That amazing Jasmine and Eucalyptus smell burning jimin's nose. Jimin's eyes shot wide open as he could finally tell the rank of the wolf..


"of course"
Jimin thought,

The alpha began winning and started rutting his hips slowly, jimin was trying to escape, the alpha's pheromones were punching jimin's nose making him leak slick and wine, it was all out of instinct.

The completely forget Wolves in the back came in running growling at the alpha, probably telling him to chill out.

But the alpha wouldn't budge.

Jimin finally said something, thinking it would help the situation,

"Alpha...please..stop, okay? Can I just pet you, please?"

The dark amber eyes locked with his, dark eyes turning bright red as jimin finished the sentence

"Oh no.."

Alr 3rd chapter, last one i think i said "pt 3" on accident, supposed to be 2, but anyways hope u all enjoyed!👐🏽

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