Chpater 6: The 6 wolves

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"Oh shit.."

All of the wolves suddenly glanced at the omega, eyes that were once filled with joy and happiness suddenly went dark, all of them starred at jimin, eyes boring into his own soft ones.

"U-Uh..are you guys okay?"


"Um well, its getting kinda late so maybe i sho-"

The emerald green eyed wolf wined, looking at jimin with it's puppy eyes.

"Nooo dont make that face its too cute" jimin said already swooning, and there was only 1 wolf doing that.

"Oh my go- Not you guys too~"

Jimin pouted at the scene he saw. All of the wolves looked at him with big teary-eyed puppy eyes, It was too much for jimin he simply couldn't stand there and NOT love on them. So we walked closer to them and closed his eyes and slowly fell into one of the soft furs of the wolves.

"Okay okay, fine i'll stay, but don't let me fall asleep!"

The wolves nodded there heads and looked at each other, which seemed to go unnoticed by jimin.

At night~

"ughhh, wha-"

jimin suddenly froze,

He was in the middle of the woods sleeping next to 6 big giant wolves, which he did not mind but, his dad must me worried sick! he probably already called the police to go find hi-"


Jimin stiffened,

'what in the actual hell was that, it sounded like a human groan-'

jimin moved to his side only to see a naked tan built chest.


Jimim screamed loudly as his kicked the person who had he arms around him


Jimin quickly got up and fetched a big stick, charging towards the man that looked at him.

But jimin stopped...he stopped all his movements once he saw the same amber eyes looking up at him, the same puppy eyes. Jimin starred at the eyes, deeply observing, until a hand touched his shoulder, he turned around quickly to swing his big stick at the unknown person, but they grabbed it immediately before the stick could touch its face.

"Easy there pretty~"

Jimins mind stopped working once he heard the deep voice, it was so rich and ruff, it made jimin's omega go haywire, the voice bounced off jimins body, leaving the omega speechless.

"Hmm~ he's scared~"
Another voice from behind him, whispered in his ear. It made jimin's knees weak. The person slowly slid there arms around his curvy stomach and latched his mouth on jimin's scent gland, licking and sucking on it softly. Jimim dropped his stick as he breathlessly had his head fall back on the guy behind him.

"So pretty baby,"

Jimin looked in front of him to see the most handsome man he think he'd ever seen, He had long black curly hair, with dark black eyes, He had a mole on his nose and had such distinctive features, he had oval shaped lips, he had 1 monolid and 1 dubble eye lid.

Jimin starred at him for what seemed forever until the boy behind him started wining snd rubbing his nose against his scent gland, Jimim looked behind only to see ANOTHER attractive man, he had big round doe-eyes that held thoes beautiful amber eyes, and he had a mole under his small plump lips, he had wavy black hair that was parted in the middle, he looked straight out of a porn scene, he was that sexy.

"Are you scared of your puppy now, pretty?"

jimin's breath hitched slightly as he looked at thoes eyes, but suddenly..

"Wheres my hug hmm?"


alr hope yall enjoyed love yall byeee💀❤️

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