chapter 5: what to do?

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*just a disclaimer, i got my nails done, so if theres any spelling mistakes just know thats why😂*

"Oh shit"

Nigree looked at the wolves and straighten up his back as he slowly walked backwards. Jimin and his wolf were freaking out, so many wolves, so many eyes.. eyes that were beautiful and bright even of they were darker colors.

"Nigree! what are we gonna do?"
"calm down, i'll handle way."
"Nigree i swear to god if you flir-"

Nigree closed the mind link between him and jimin and made little steps towards the wolves, he looked at the eyes as his tail started wagging profusely at the new people, eventually one by one the wolves walked closer to nigree, they circled around the bright golden wolf as the black eyed one walked close to him, and licked his snout. Nigree barked a bit; taken aback by the sudden action. The bigger wolf's pitch black eyes starred into the deep honeycomb brown ones, so much emotion swirling between the 2 unknowingly.

A deep growl broke them out of their trance, nigree suddenly sifted, so that jimin came out since he'd been nagging him the whole time.

Jimin looked down happy to see he still had clothes on. He looked up; met with familiar looking eyes, he stared at them wondering who they were and what they wanted with him. his young innocent mind couldn't understand what was happening, honestly at first he thought they wanted to kill him but then he realized how sweet one of them was. and that was the first one he went to when he saw the others.

"Aww its you! my puppy~" Jimin said in a small baby talk voice.

The wolves looked at eachother wagging their tails, wondering who the cute little omega was talking to.
There tails stiffened as the cute boi waddled cutely over to the Amber eyed wolf. The wolf wagged its tail and wined while jumping with a little bark.

"Awww did my little baby miss me~"
The wolf wined and pushed its nose towards jimin scent gland, and immediately the wolf calmed down while jimin snuggled into its intoxicating fur. The other wolves watched longingly as they wished it was them, they made little wines which didnt go unnoticed by jimin who had stopped, (unknowingly) scenting the amber eyed wolf.

"oh, oh im sorry do you guys want pets too?"

They all wined loudly as their ears went back.

"awee c'mere baby"

They all jogged towards jimin crushing him in their delicious scents, all licking and rubbing against jimin's soft skin, all their scents mingling with his own, he stuffed his face in all their poofy fur, dying on the inside by how fluffy they were.

The color...

The softness..

The smell...

it was all too much, jimin was fanboying so hard, it just, felt soo good.

"Mmm~smell so good" Jimin moaned





you did it again jimin..

Short chapter but hope u eejoyed, and im sorry for and spellinh mistakes , everytime i get my nails done i always mess up on typing😭😭but byeee :))

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