One Directions Finally leaving With Some one Ye-oh no

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Ari's Pov+++++++

Recap: Ari -

Like I said save it for someone who cares. Ari Joey wants you! And with that I raced up stairs.)

Yeah Joey?!? I asked

I'll leave you two alone I have to talk to the boys! Dani said

Look Joey I never thought Justin would punch you square in the fa- I was interrupted by his lips Crashing into mine I was shocked but I kissed back our lips moving in sync uhm....Someone said for behind us I pulled away and saw it was Justin I walked up to him and punched him like he did to Joey he just grunted and fell to the ground but he said he deserved that and me and Joey nodded our heads Justin said he was going because of Selena I smiled at him and asked if he got Feathers number he shook his head no I grabbed his phone and typed it in he laughed and said he'd suprise her later I just laughed and I turned around to face Joey Oh Justin I turned Back around hm?? he said talking to Selena Let me talk to her real fast okay?!? he shook his head no but I smacked him and ripped the Phone out of his Hands I'm gonna tell her it was All my fault I said to him He shook his head no he already told her it was his ughhh

hey Selena I'm so so sorry I never ment to kiss back I lost my boyfriend because of it and Uhm if I tell you this part you can never let Justin know I told you got it?!?! I said walking away

Yeah I got it but look Ari I'm not mad People Make Mistakes ! Selena said

Okay so After I told Justin About how Joey cought us and he broke up with me Justin went in his room and Punched him and Guess what Harrys here! I said only Joey Justin Selena Feather And Dani only Know what has Happened to me and harry

Omg do you want me to come over there tell Justin not to leave cuz I'm getting a cab and don't say I don't know were you are because ive visted you here with out Justin and we can ewat Icecream since Joey broke up with you be there in 5! then the line went dead

Justin!!!! I screamed

What? he screamed back


GOOD THING YOU DIDN'T PROTEST BECAUSE JIMMY ONLY PROTESTES NOT YOU!! Lou yelled from down stairs holy hell when will these boys leave!

Ariiiii!!!!!!!!!!! selena yelled from down stairs

up here Selena! I yelled she came racing up with ice cream omg I totally forgot that the other orphanes were up and they were all looking at me in shock that I know Celebrity's

Me and Selena Went in my room but Selena Went and told Justin to go back to the hotel and he did we talked about everything that has happened tonight and we fell asleep only to be waking up by Dani saying Selena Has to go since someone Adopted me all the people that were close with me were down stairs and One Direction? OK but Joey Justin Feather and Dani. Were Adopting You said One Direction but Joey grabbed me from Selena and took me back up stairs he looked me in the eyes he started to cry I did to he looked at my hand that had his promise ring on I remember that day like it was Yesterday I smiled and he did too!


Miss Dani! Joey Yelled

Yes Dear?!? Dani Said

Can Me And Ari go on a walk its our anniversary?!?!

I guess so but don't tell anyone you are both lucky I like you guys the most! she said walking over to us

Thank you so Much Dani! I said

How come you get to call her that?!! Joey Whined

me and Dani shrugged our shoulders then she said

Oh because I liked her the first day unlike someone! she said turnng to Joey he was Grinning evily

You have to admit that was a funny prank the first day though! he said me and dani just Laughed I knew what he did Dani told me even though I wasn't supposed to know. comeon now oh wait he said running up to his room only to trip on his way bacj down I was laughing so hard okay you first Ari he was being a gentlemen

Stop and be your self Joey I said

let's go to the park babe he said I nodded my head then I started to think about the first Day of this orphage I liked it the first day here and even though it was my birthday when I first came here and thats when Joey asked me out the first day idk why I said yes but it was worth it

Ari were here! Joey said snapping me out of my Memori he looked Nervous about something huh wonder what it if

he then went on his knee and pulled out the ring it said Ari Rose & Joey Lewis Forever & Always and it had a few Pink Diamonds in it,it was so pretty I knew it was a Promise ring because my dad Gave one to my mom before they got Married and before he died and my mom Abused me dad and I would always talk about how mom and him met and sometimes my mom would say I would get one to when I meet my First Love I thought i already met the perfect guy Back then when I was a heathy Kid when my Dad was still alive I thought it was Justin but it wasn't then everything happened and I came here and I finally met my True Love Joey even though the words wouldn't come out of my mouth I still felt like I did even though he said it to me like 24/7 and I couldn't even Say it to him it made me feel bad but he knew I did because I explained that its hard to come out of my mouth

Ari I know your probably thinking I proposin-

Joey I know what it is my Dad gave one to my mom its a promise ring! I said smiling

oh good well let me finish then Promise me that when we get older we get Married through the ups and downs? he said smiling

Yes Joey I would love to! I said he slide the Ring on my finger and we kissed abit and went back Home were We explained To Dani what had happened expect the kissing part and right before I went to bed Joey came down and Layed with me for abit when he was getting up he kissed me and Said Happy Birthday babe and he left me

Best 1 year anniversary Nd Birthday ever I whispered

-End OF FLash Back-

I looked at the Clock holy shit its 3 in the morning i already packed my bags with Selena

You know It would be our anniversary if we didn't break up. he whispered

And my birthday.I whispered back

and the first day you came here. he whispered again leaning in

HARRYS POV**-*****

Harry go get Ari! shes taking to long Feather her best friend whined

Fine! I walked up stairs to only see Joey and Ari

And my Birthday. Ari whispered to Joey

and the first day you came here. Joey said Leaning in I walked away not wanting to be in trouble even more by Ari


Holy Cheese Guys I really hope you like this story bye My Little Leprechauns!!


Adopted By Idiots (one direction fan-fic) *IN EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now