Bye Guys!

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Recap: you know it would be our Anniversary If we didn't break up. Joey whisoered

And my birthday.Ari whispered back

And the first day you came here. Joey whispered again

(Ari's Pov)

And the first Day you came here.Joey whispered back leaning i started to but I got a hold of my self and pushed him back

Joey why do we kiss and were not together what's the whole point of breaking up with me and start kissing me again?!?! i said starting to raise my voice then I heard a squeak I turned around to see harry walking back

Hold it Curly! I yelled he stopped in his tracks

huh? he said trying to act Innocent

Did you hear us? I promise I won't get mad! I said trying to be innocent even though I was pissed at him and Joey

Won't be mad my ass! Ari I know you! Harry said I just giggled maybe I could forgive harry after all I missed him! even though what he said to me buttttttttt I'm am gonna be living with him

Ha! we have to go now Feather wants to see you! Harry said Like we were still best friends I'm suprised I'm not all snapping at him

Okay Haz I have to talk to joey! shoo!! isaid

okayy!! harry said I turned around to see Joey I his bed with his head in his hands

so about my Question?! I said

its a secret. he whispered I barly heard him

what are you talking About? I said

Me and Justin did something bad for me and you to break up I knew that Harry and them were gonna Pick you. he said

Like w-what? tears threating to spill from my eyes

I asked him to make out with you so I could have a reason to break up with you and I know if you went with them you'd cheat on me. he said

No I would not Joey I Fucking Love you! I yelled

Well then why did you makeout with him?!?! He Yelled back

I DONT NOO!! IF A GIRL WAS LEANING TOWARDS YOU I KNIW YOU'D KISS HER BACK I SAW IT BEFORE BUT THAT WASN'T A REASON FOR ME TO BREAK UP WITH YOU BECAUSE I LOVED YOU BUT NOW I SHOULDN'T I WONT HAVE MY WORD JOEY ALLEN LEWIS! I yelled stomping of in the living room Justin came up and Hugged me but I was pissed at him I pushed him back all my hardest for him to land on the table and Break it Harry laughed

Hey look Zayn Justin took your part of the song instead he broke a table!! Harry said One Direction burst out laughing

Nows not the time Harry!! I yelled I went by Justin and smacked him across his face

How could you my Best friend since I was 12 wtf?! Justin now you suddenly Go on Joey's side for him to break up with him! Selena I'm so sorry if this makes you break up with Justin I whispered In her ear

okay she said

like I said Justin you were Kissing me for Joey ?!?! I screamed now everyone and when I say everyone I ment the whole orphange and even Joey

Ari calm dow-


I Was Helping a bro out. he whispered now crying still don't even care theres Glass in his back

URGHHHHH!!!!! IM DONE DONE DONE JUSTIN NEVER EVER CALL ME AGAIN ONLY SELENA GETS TO! can we just go now I dont wanna be in the same room as traders! I whispered the last part

come on! Feather and Selena said at the same time let's go grab my bags I said


(skipping the walk up stairs I'm lazy right now)

once we got in my room I slammed the door

I think I'm gonna break up with Justin. selena said

I think you should. I said

what do you think Feather? me and Selena said

I don't wanna get involved in this stuff but I think you should. Feather said

( after walking out of my room and grabbing my bags and walking down stairs)

I'll grab your bags. Niall said

I gave everyone a hug and even Justin and Joey but Joey I lil harder he told me he'd call me every day he asked me back out but I said no because all the pain he gave me I even for got to give him the ring back but ohwell

(skipping the walk to the car haha I'm a lazy mofo)


AHHH NO ARI HELP ME! Harry yelled jumping on me but I pushed him off and he remembered that we wern't Friends any ore and he threw the bears at Lou and sat down.

AWW IS THE WITTLE HAZZA MAD?!? Lou said I didn,t mean to but I said it and I regretted it

AHH first of all you guys can not call harry Hazza because I made that name up Got it? no? okay second of all if you try I mean try to get me a career on singing I will punch you so hard in the balls because I don't want to and third of all do not inturuped me when I'm talkin because I will slap you or kick you in the balls and if you dont not believe me ask harry!

I remember when you used to sing to me Ari I loved your voice better then mine I still have it recored on my phone and I still have it when you called me and when you texted me I still have that message if you saying things it was funny! Harry Said I smiled I missed the old days of me and Harry hanging out I missed him

We are at the house guys Liam said

I turned around holy shit thats a big house!

Adopted By Idiots (one direction fan-fic) *IN EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now