Broken Lies

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TW: Throwing up, Alchohol, Parker being angsty.

Happy Pride Month!

Parker had known from the start that he needed to move on. He had seen the way Chester had looked at Burns all through their relationship, yet he still grasped red strings of false hope tangled in a web of conspiracy. The actuality was, it's hard to move on when someone has been in love for so long. 

The two boys had met when they were 9. Parker had just moved to New York from Minnesota and Chester immediately welcomed him with loud greetings and childish games. They were in 8th grade when Parker realized his feelings for Chester left the comforting and familiar territory of platonic affection and into the more intimate warmth of romance. This realization left poor 14 year old Parker reeling, mind searching for answers but none coming. Before this Parker hadn’t had a crush, let alone a crush on a boy!

Throughout highschool, Parker tried to date many girls, hoping and wishing that one day he would actually like one and eventually forget about his odd feelings for Chester. Parker was quite attractive so finding a girl who would go on a date with him was never hard, yet every person he tried never quite fit. He would spend the entire activity watching them and comparing them to Chester. ‘She eats much slower than Chester’, ‘she prefers pepperoni pizza over cheese pizza. Chester always agreed that cheese was superior’, ‘she doesn’t want to watch horror movies. Chester always watched horror movies’, ect. ect. By the end of junior year he was known as the school F-boy.

In their senior year of high school, Chester had braved up and gotten together with the girl of his dreams, also known as Burns. Chester was madly in love with Burns and she gladly returned the affections. Parker was filled with jealousy that pulsed and grew as if it was alive. He tried to be supportive of their relationship, but he despised Burns. She took the love and attention of Chester and Parker hated that. He wanted to be the one Chester loved; the one Chester would stand at the altar with. Sadly, Burns got the luxury of a gorgeous fiance and Parker was left in the memory book. 

When the wedding invite appeared in Parker's mailbox, he almost cried. This was the first and last time Parker attempted to drown his feelings with alcohol. He took one sip from a bottle of wine before throwing the bottle as hard as possible against the kitchen cabinet. The glass shattered, much akin to Parker's own heart. Small shards covered the kitchen tile like teardrops. They glistened in the artificial light as the liquid from the bottle dripped into large puddles.

Parker fell to his knees and allowed heavy sobs to shake his fit frame. Glass dug into his skin but he was unable to move. He took deep gasps of oxygen to stop himself from passing out. He always knew, in the very back of his mind, that Chester would find a nice girl and leave, but the weight of this realization was only just hitting his shoulders. The fabricated red strings finally snapped under pressure. Parker couldn't tell whether it was the aftermath of the wine, or the crushing truth that was leaving the bitter taste in the back of his throat. 

A vibration came from Parker's phone. One glance at the screen showed Chester had texted him. This realization made bile crawl up Parker’s throat. He jumped up and scurried to the apartment's bathroom, slipping on the still-wet kitchen floor. He lifted the toilet seat and the floodgates were opened. Parker leaned over and threw-up until everything in his system was gone and he was left dry heaving and gasping for air. Stars danced across his line of sight and tears dripped down his cheeks and mixed with the sweat that coated his damp face. Pain was filling every part of him and his head was spinning. Parker was a mess.

He composed himself and flushed the toilet. Parker brushed his dark hair out of his face, exited the cramped bathroom, and stumbled into his bedroom across the hall. He placed his phone on the bedside table before falling into his cushioned bed and wrapping himself in a blanket. Tears continued to run down his cheek and fall off of his nose, yet Parker felt emotionless. Everything he had loved had been stripped away from him. Just as he started to drift off into the comforting arms of sleep, another buzz came from his phone. He picked it up and Chester was calling. Parker waited for a few seconds before answering. “Hey. What's up?” Parker spoke, trying to keep his voice from shaking. “Did you get my letter?” Chester said, his voice made Parker want to both jump off the nearest tall building and jump up and down with joy. To him, Chester’s voice was as warm as the sunshine that kept the world running, and as sweet as the honey made by buzzing bees, but currently it only made Parker want to rip his ears off. 

“Yeah dude, course I did”

“Well yeah but still!”

“If you're asking if I’m coming then yes. I wouldn't miss it for the world” Parker said though Chester was Parker’s world. “Well I guess but what I really wanted to ask was… Would you be my best man?” Chester asked. The question shocked Parker. He couldn't say no but could he say yes? Without much thought about the consequences, he agreed. Chester cheered. “Hey dude, I know you're excited but it's getting late. I’ve got to go to work early so I'll talk to you tomorrow. Bye” without hearing Chester’s response, Parker hung up. 

He cocooned himself in a blanket and layed back down. He knew that he needed to go support his best friend but for now he decided to wallow in self pity. Everything was for tomorrow Parker. He closed his eyes and slipped into dreamland where he could forever love Chester.

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