Ep 14: A Night Hooker

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It has been eight days since Lyall told me he is going to ask his sister to train me. Eight days.

It would be fine if I have other things to do; perhaps touring the kingdom, or getting to know the lycans, or maybe I get to practice my healing ability. But none of that is happening because, for four entire days, Lyall still imprisons me. Sort of.

He never locks the room ever since my meltdown, but now he locks down the entire east wing so I can still roam some parts of the castle. He puts guards all over the east wing that will prevent me from going further.

Son of a bitch.

At first, I trusted him. But after eight days, I doubt he has asked his sister. If anything, he was just stalling until he could find something else to keep me in his room.

He never visits me during the day and he only comes back at around midnight, which, unfortunately, is when my pregnant body demands me to sleep. For the first two days, I sleep on the couch only to find myself awake in the morning on his bed. So, after that, I decided to just sleep in his bed. It's more comfortable, anyway. And honestly, I feel safe because he never touches me when I am asleep.

Well, except that one time I was woken up from my dead sleep because of a kiss. But other than that, he keeps to his side of the bed.

The thing is, in the mornings, I also don't get to see him, consciously, because he wakes up really early to work. On one hand, this gives me relief because I don't have to hide my morning sickness. On the other hand, it frustrates me because I can't talk to him.

There are maids that would come and go to bring food and clean the room now, instead of using magic. Every time they come in the mornings, they would eye me dirty. One of them kept asking me if I slept well last night and I kept answering, "I slept soundly." I only realized by the third day that they were asking to know if Lyall and I had been having sex, though I continue to answer the same thing; No.

Damn it!

I feel like a hooker. A woman of the night that Lyall keeps in his room and only visits during night hours. My only purpose as his mate in this kingdom is to satisfy his pleasure after an entire day of work. The thought of it makes me feel so dirty and more irritated by Lyall.

I have asked one of the maids to deliver my message to Lyall. A simple note on paper saying;

Can we talk? Please.

He replied with a written note;

We can talk once I get back.

But of course, when he is back in the room, I am already sleeping. And when I am awake, he is already gone.


The only comfort I have these days, surprisingly, comes from the mysterious boy. He visits me every day without fail to play chess, have lunch with me, and listen to my storytelling –this boy prefers gore and dark fairytales, which I think is a bit weird for young children... but hey, to each of its own.

We bicker a lot. Especially because this boy is a sore loser, and he acts mostly like he owns the castle.

"You're cheating!" He has cried that out several times now, "You moved the pieces when I was not looking!"

"I did not!" I deny it every time. Then when he goes on his little tantrums, I sit back on my couch as if I am watching a comedy. The kid is hilarious. He would pace back and forth in the room, saying all the things he makes up in his mind about me cheating and after a few minutes he would gruff, look at me with his large eyes, and say, "One more time. This time I am going to win!"

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