Ep 62: Alpha Mason's Regret

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I was an asshole. A huge jackass. I admit that.

When the war with the vampires broke, I led our warriors to march for the battle. My wife, at the time, was Gina. She was always the quiet flower, the perfect Luna, actually. Her only flaw was that she could never conceive. And the bastard I was back then thought that she was no use to me if she could not deliver my pups. I knew she knew how I felt about her. I made it clear to her I was not happy with her infertility.

And... Goddess, thinking about it now, even I would like to kill the man I was.

I told her that if she still could not conceive in a year, I would reject her and take another as a mate and Luna despite her being my fated mate.

When she asked if she could march along with the warriors, I immediately figured that she was planning to go rogue. She planned to run away while we, the warriors, are busy fighting.

Good riddance, I thought. It would save me from the hassle of rejecting her publicly and choosing her replacement. She had been a textbook wife, but I needed a fertile female. I thought the bond between us was a sign that she was the chosen female from the Goddess for me, so I naturally thought she would be fertile. But she was barren as a desert.

During the march, she would help clean and cook for the warriors, which truly saved a lot of time and energy for us. She would wake up at dawn to clean our sheets and cook, then she would stay up late with the warriors on guard to wash the dishes. I didn't care if she was exhausted. I was waiting for her to run away, to be gone from my life.

On the first day of battle, she ran away while I led my warriors against the vampires. I remembered going into battle thinking how shallow she was being for choosing to run away while the men fought hard.

Again, I thought it was good riddance. I didn't need a mute infertile female as my Luna.

I guess the Goddess punished me that day. Because my warriors were losing against the vampires. So we retreated into the forest. We dispersed ourselves to make it harder for those bloodsuckers to find us. One vampire caught up to my small group of three. That vampire killed my warriors, and he severed my spine, causing me unable to move at all. I thought it was finally the end for me. I felt it was unfair, and I felt pure rage for not being able to lead my warriors to victory.

Above all, I felt anguish at not being able to protect my pack. Once the alpha is gone, my pack will be vulnerable. And these bloodsuckers who live just one forest away have targeted my pack for years. Vampires think werewolves' blood is the most delicious, so they have been kidnapping our children in the dark of the night.


We already had a hard time trying to reproduce, and those monsters dared to snatch the precious children from us.

I imagined the cries of my people, decorated with blood and fire when the vampires finally get to them. I felt like a failure.

But no matter hard I try to move, my stupid body won't listen to me. So I closed my eyes when I saw the vampire raising his hand in order to sever my neck next. I waited for the merciful death.

That death didn't come. Instead, I felt a gush of wind and a piercing feeling in my chest. When I opened my eyes again, I saw my wife had torn apart the vampire's neck in her grey wolf form. I didn't even know that she had a fighter side to her. She always appeared soft and weak.

She turned to me... That was the first time I saw the fierceness in her eyes. She looked at my unmoving body with judging eyes. We never shared anything through our bond, but that day, she knocked on my mental barrier just to let me know, "So, the fierce Alpha Mason is finally paralyzed completely."

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