Fullness of emotions | 1

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Time: epidode 1.
Place: somewhere in the world, Jake's hideout.
Wait. I want to talk to you

About what?


I can't take my eyes off the screen. Her message is just confusing, forcing to look at the screen to make sure that everything is read correctly. Why would she even want to talk to me? We're not friends, not even buddies. It just so happens that without her help, there's no way to solve this case, no way to find Hannah. I understand that, and so should she. But then why?


About you 😁

About me?

You're interesting


Interesting? She must be joking. I didn't give her any reason to think so. I ignored the strange jokes, talked only on case. I haven't had time to get to know Ana well enough, but from what I've seen... She seemed reasonable enough. After all, she did a pretty good job of finding files in the cloud. So why?


You're aware that I won't tell you anything about me, right?

We'll keep it a secret between you and me 😉

You have one question.

What kind of program do you use to hack?


Seriously? This question definitely wasn't on the most frequently asked list that I opened to know what to expect. She managed to surprise me. No, is she really serious? Why would this be interesting at all?


I honestly didn't expect that question.
A combination of different programs and operating systems depending on the task and target.
Most programs are available for free and are actually meant to find security issues. Cain & Able, Aircrack, Wireshark, Kali Linux.
Why did you want to know?

That's how I am 🙂

I can't believe I just said that.
Actually, I shouldn't tell you anything about me at all.

I thought you were chickening out anyway


I just can't find the words because of her last message. Me? Chickening out? She was joking. Very funny. I push my hair out of my eyes. Calmly. This is just a provocation. I should save face. Take a deep breath. There were also some more annoying elements in my work. I just need to show that such statements do not offend me - and she will calm down, stop writing such nonsense. She doesn't even know me. And she shouldn't.


That would be wrong term.
Hiding my identity is top priority.
[12: 40]

It is most appreciated

Well, are you happy now?

Yes, now it's your turn to pick the topic

I don't follow you.
You wanted to talk to me, didn't you?

Did I put you off your stride 😆


What... What's wrong with her? What is she trying to achieve by acting like this? Only she wanted to talk, and I should pick the topic? Is this also a provocation? Or some new level of humor, unknown to me? That emoji at the end seems to indicate that she's having fun. I just wish I could figure out what's making her laugh.

Well... topic, topic... What do people usually talk about during small talk? I don't remember well. Something neutral. I glance at the window. Cloudy.


Alright then.
What's the weather like?

Quite well, I would say

Admittedly, this may not be the most interesting topic.

Still entertaining tho 😄

I haven't had small talk in a long time...
Imagine being stranded on a desert island, what would you want to have the most?

More than I can write. But I already know what you would have picked 😋

Okay, give it a shot.

Your computer

Correctly. That one wasn't too hard.


It's easy to guess. But then why am I waiting with bated breath for her answer? Will she guess or not? Maybe she'll try some joke again. How strange. Why am I acting like this conversation isn't a waste of time?


Without electricity 😆

In a perfect world where I was able to choose what to take with me before being stranded on a desert island, the island would have power.

Does the island also have Internet?

Sure. With an overall, strong signal.

Count me in 😁

Good. Then it wouldn't a desert island anymore.
Never mind, that was much better.
Good, I still have a lot to do. Is everything clear now?


The conversation ends, but for the first few moments I can't concentrate on my work. I don't know exactly how to explain it, but it was a pleasant waste of time. Even a smile appeared on my face. Well, Ana... if any of us are interesting, it's definitely not me.

I stretching. The vertebrae crackle so loudly that you can almost hear it all over the room. I glance out the window - it's still cloudy, but a little lighter. Just like that... It doesn't matter. I've been smiling too long, and it's time for another cup of coffee and some evidence.

Duskwood: Jake's notes (editing)Where stories live. Discover now