Chapter 1: Acid Rain - Our Start

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"The portal between the Abyss and Teyvat is located in Northern Snezhnaya. It must've come from there. We can send agents to find traces of it." Scaramouche brainstorms, his brows knitted as he tries to find an answer to his superior.

"Impossible. The snow would've hidden it and the winds are too harsh to send lackeys." Pierro reasons with a sigh: "But... I do agree with Balladeer, that does not look like it's around here. Even if it was ancient, it has no features of Snezhnaya, no matter the time-frame." He adds.

The Cryo Archon sits on her throne, listening to her Harbingers as she suddenly props up on her seat: "Doesn't matter. Closet minded fools like you all wouldn't know, that is not a purebred hydra. It is a human hybrid. He fought in the Archon war as Rex lapis' Yaksha but disappeared when i came to this title. " She explains before standing up, the clowns before her bowing down.

"Bring him to me, I wish for him to serve. " She demands and watches as they scurry out like the very lackeys they hate for doing the same, Tartaglia sending the Archon a mischievous glance.

She huffs and decides to take a seat by the balcony, sculpted of the finest ice. The winds are harsh but the pains in her heart are deeper, she does not shiver.

She can see Balladeer and Tartaglia bicker, groups of underlings following them, pulling their coats close to avoid the cold.


"This is your fault."

"What?! Balladeer, c'mooooooon! We got this! Are you really afraid of a small stupid dragon?" Childe snickers while avoiding a slap from his coworker.

"That small stupid dragon has six heads and is rumored to be bigger than the dragon from Mondstadt. '' Scaramouche retorts, thankfully there were sightings of said hydra, so they wouldn't have had to travel far.

Snezhnaya was cold, it would freeze your tears and force you to forget the aches and continue moving. Scaramouche considered it uncomfortable, he preferred the cool breeze of Inazuma but he was not stationed there, thus giving him no reason to reminisce.

"And? We've fought Archons, why should we be afraid of a lizard?" Childe shrugs and trouts through the snow.


"How are we going to subdue that." Childe whispers to his coworker, Scaramouche whining at him. "What did I tell you..." Balladeer decides not to waste any more energy on the child and turns to the lackys: "Prepare. We will have to subdue it. I will keep it immobile. Do not disappoint. " He warns and signals to them to move forward, Childe is the bait as Scaramouche will shock it while they administer sedatives.

Childe is the first to provoke it, he jumps arounds with laughter as he tries to slither closer and keep it occupied. The few agents take their time by slowly nearing the hydra's side. Scaramouche notes how fragile and thin it currently is, he figures it is not evolved to its true sizing.

The biggest head lowers itself and blows air through it's nostrils, Childe's hair fall back as he snickers at the dragon.

The said dragon seems to watch him closely, three heads follow his movement with curiosity yet, Scaramouche can feel the tension in the ground.

It is only when Tartaglia lets his hydro wrap around each head, the sedation is administered and Balladeer is quick to shock the dragon.

The said hydra roars, it's heads shake to each sides and try to snap at whatever is shocking it. When the ground rumbles and geo energy forms in the throats of the heads, Childe covers it in water and they electro-charge it to unconsciousness. Agents from the local area chain and muzzle the dragon.


Signora stands next to The Tsaritsa as they watch the hydra getting reeled towards the palace. "That does not live up to my expectations..." The archon grumbles before turning towards her child: "My daughter, get a living quarter arranged. Get him on a diet and schedule to build up his physique, i want him fattened up before i speak with him. "

Signora nods and heads inside, ordering her assistant to do the job for her. The agent goes upstairs as Signora exits the palace to meet her coworkers.

It was a sorrow sight, the hydra's bones were obviously not grown fully out, the scales soft rather than the sharpness of pure cor lapis that she had heard off. The dragon was thin and its mane mangled and distressed. She huffs at this before catching up with the other harbingers. "Her majesty has gotten a room arranged but i don't see how we are going fit a dragon in there, even if its as small and... weak, as this one." She reasons before similar footsteps approach.

All of the harbingers sigh.

"You're right on time, Dottore." Signora groans before letting the madman have a look; he claims that he should be able to force the Yaksha into his human form and that he needs just a moment.

The process is, unpleasant, to say the least. Scaramouche is undoubtedly curious but he heads back into the palace as Tartaglia watches like a toddler discovering an erotica. Balladeer hoped for a day in where he would get rid of him, Signora too unfortunately.

However, that seems to be besides the point as the ground rumbles intensely, Dottore using some form of elemental device on the Yaksha.
Apropos on said Yaksha, the dragon heads merge together as mane and scales chip off and turn into Geo dust, leaving a handsome yet exhausted man behind.

Assuming by the way they hurry him inside, his condition must've worsened after being forced to shift like that.

Scaramouche frowns, why was a Yaksha wearing Khaenri'ahn clothing?

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