Chapter 2: Potential on the Horizon

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Akai wakes up being strapped to a metal table and muzzled like some dog. A sharp light shines at his abdomen, aiding in the doctor who was stitching up a wound the yaksha didnt even know he had. Wait.

The doctor glances at a monitor before looking at him: "You have woken? Do not move unless you want to be inconvenience." Dottore warns in the Old Teyvat language, the Sumera academy made it obligatory to take the class. The yaksha seems to tense up: "Do the people still speak this language?" He asks and winces slightly at the muzzle digging into his skin.

"No. It has been modernized. Most nations have their native languages as well." Dottore answers before putting his suture tools away.

The yaksha watches said doctor's hands while he explains about this night's events: "The tsaritsa will either accept you as a harbinger or make you work as a diplomat."

Akai grumbles as he glances at the doctor: "can you take it off..." he signals towards the muzzle. Dottore shakes his head: "Safety reasons."

The yaksha thrashes in protest, "I have been strapped down like a fish, what is it you fear? a paper cut?" Dottore laughs at the retort.

"You still have a sense of humor after 2000 years." He remarks and Akai goes silent. Had it really been that long?

Dottore seems to notice the silence and glances at the foreigner, he looks like a sorry excuse of a warrior. His long hair—which was written to be rather thick and attractive— was thin and stringy. Even if he was very skinny, features like his strong jaw and big hands were still present. The scales impeded along his minor zygomaticus muscles still shined very brightly of geo energy. The yaksha looks down on the doctor, his brows furrowed: "What has happened since i was gone?" Dottore sighs before pulling away from Akai to throw his gloves away: "Do you really expect me to tell you 2000 years of history in few moments?" He retorts before reaching for a sheet of paper.

"Well, of course i do, is it not my right to? I mean you claim that you will employ me and yet refuse to t-" Akai rambles before tensing at the electroshock. "!! Would you not? I prefer not to be shocked. Again." Dottore simply scribbles on the document before signing it and standing up: "We need to do testing on any diplomat, however I've deemed you unfit due to your situation. " He starts to explain and shushes the Yaksha as he continues: "Listen to me as i will only explain once. You have been given living quarters and will most likely have a translator that will guide you with socializing. Maybe even a teacher if you are chosen. When you leave this office, you will be prepared to feast with the Cryo archon. You will be cleaned and taught etiquette but i am sure that it is not necessary with you. When you enter the room, you cannot look at any of the harbingers; dare not to even look at the Archon. While keeping your eyes to the floor, you will kneel before her and kiss her dress. Do not talk to anyone, only when addressed. Do not act humorous or charismatic. Do not show any personality trait, you must understand that you are in a political environment. When we sit to feast, us harbingers will sit next to the tsaritsa, however i might be moved closer to you and your translator to prove your legitimacy, you will sit across from her. Only look at your food, do not make eye contact as she will not see you as an equal. She will decide whether you are killed, chosen as a potential harbinger or simply a low ranked diplomat. You must grasp that the only two options you have here are to either die, or serve under The Tsaritsa and Snezhnaya. " Dottore finishes while he watches the yaksha, Akai seems to understand it fairly well, he was nodding during the explanations and didnt seem too offended by the rules. "I understand. I will focus on getting through this night and then we will discuss from there. It was a pleasure meeting you." Akai stands up after Dottore removes his restraints—except the muzzle—.

Five agents await him, they are all masked and are all men except for a single one. She introduces herself as Svetlana, the translator. Akai gives her a respectful nod before the other workers pull him away, the translator seems a bit embarrassed and explains that he will be taken to be washed. When they are done, she reassures that he will be lead to his living quarters. Akai quickly thanks her before he's forced to turn right and hop down some stairs.

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