My Strange Addiction Part 20

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She sulks "OK but I'll walk you out"


You're sitting on your bed staring into space when you get a call from Vic

*On call*

V: Yo did you die?

Y/N: Yes

V: Bro we haven't spoken in ages what happened

Y/N: Well I have a girlfriend, I went to a sleepover and I got into a fist fight sooooo the usual 

V: Um...  first who, second when and third... HOW?!

Y/N: Well... We played truth or dare and I got dared to kiss this girl. Long story short, my gf got mad and it turned into a bloody mess

V: Damn... That's...

Y/N: Yeah

V: Soooooooo who's the giiiirrrrlfrieeeeeeennnd?

Y/N: You know that girl who cheated on her boyfriend with me and took my virginity?

V: Damn girl you are another breed

Y/N: But the thing is I made a deal that we can't do anything until her hands are better

V: What happened to her hands?

Y/N: Are you dumb?

V: Oh yeah the fight haha

Y/N: Yeah and it is driving me absolutely insane like I can't live without her 

V: Are you like addicted or something haha

Y/N: I'm not joking it's killing me inside

V: Well break the deal

Y/N: I can't, she's really injured

V: Oh well, *Someone calling Vic*ah shit I gotta go call me later

Y/N: Will do, byeeeeeeeee

You end the call tossing your phone across the bed

"I really am addicted" you lay back laughing

"Should I call her?" you say picking up your phone

*Billie calls you*

You panic and drop your phone

You scramble to pick it up and the call ends 

"Shit" you call her back and she answers instantly

*On call*

B: Hey

Y/N: I was just thinking about you 

B: Oh really?

Y/N: I can't help it

B: *Giggles*

Y/N: Are you laughing at me?

B: No *Giggles again*

Y/N: Stop laughing at me or you'll be punished

B: *Quietly* Oh god

Y/N: Billie what was that?

B: W-what?

Y/N: It sounded like you said something

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