I cry

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I turn around and and we go left and the van goes right.

"Daddy they stopped following us " I said we both look back and Harry pulls over and I see the police and Harry points to the right "They went that way " One of the police cars goes to look for the car the other comes to us .

"Were are you Hun " I look around and I'm not really sure were we are I am.Harry walks out of the car and walks over to the police officer .

"I not sure where I am "

"Tell Me a place , just give me that and I'll find you " he said I look and across the street is an IHOP

"There is an IHOP across the street and we are near Downtown LA " I said

"OK I know were that is I'd there a police officer there yet ?"

"Yes he is here" I said

"OK then I'll be there in 15 minutes .I love you babe by " he hung up Harry walked over to the car with the police officer .Harry opens the car door and put his hand out to help me out of his Truck I'm a little un steady on my feet.Harry puts his arm around my waist .

"Hello I am Officer Kevin Birdy you must be Tia "Kevin said

" Um my dad is on his whay here " I said

"I already talked to my mom she is getting gas for my truck " Harry said

"Well Harry has told me what has happened Can we meet somewhere so I can speak to your parents " Kevin asked .I look and see my dads car and he pulls up behind Harry's truck.Harry let's go of my hip cause he knows what my dad would do if he saw that .Dad rushed over to me and hugged me for like a minute while Harry talked about what happened again.He stopped hugging me after a minute.

"Hi I'm Tia's Father .I'm Liam Payne " he said and put his hand out to shake hands with Kevin .

"Hi I am officer Kevin "

"There's my mom " I see a long tall black haired lady who looks a lot like Harry .She gave gives harry a hug and gives me a hug to .

"I am so happy your both Okay " Anne said .

"Hello in am Anne"

"Hi I am Officer Kevin Birdy "they both shake hands

"Okay then now that we are all here can we meet at the Police Station so I can talk to each of you .I am also a Detective to " Kevin said

"I am gonna follow your car and Officer Dan is gonna follow Harry's car its just in case something happens "

"OK yah that's fine " Dad said

"I'll put a ticket on Harry's car so it won't get towed " he writes on a slip of paper and puts it on Harry's car . Harry walks over to his moms car and I am frozen in place Dad put his arm around me and guided me to the car and I sat in the front seat .I stared into space like the whole what to the station .Dad opens the door for me and before I go out he hugs me again ."I love you so much and I hope we can get this all figured out "

He helps me out of the car and we walk in and I see Harry and his mum sitting in the waiting room we sit next to them and Anne and my dad are talking .Harry looks at me and is about to say something but a lady called our names .Officer Birdy asked for me and my dad only.He takes us to this room that looks like its a meeting room and it has a long table and at the end it has a notebook and pencil and some papers .We all sit down on the chairs .

I am so nervous my palms are sweaty .Why because I know the questions I am gonna be asked who beat you up.Dad can see that i am thinking he reaches over to hold my hand .

"Okay then Tia do you have any enemies ? does any one hate you ?" Kevin asks .I look down at the floor again.

"Um ....kinnda....." I said

"Well my number one suspect is your Birth father " a chill runs threw my body dad puts his other arm around the top of the chair .

"Anyone else I should no about " Kevin asks

"No " I say quickly .Dad looks at me with his kind eyes urging me to tell him

"I..." My a tear slips down my face I quickly brush it away .

"Officer Birdy could you give us a minute " Dad asks him

"Sure " he gets up and walks out of the room .Dad stands up and moves my chair so its facing him and gives me a hug

"Love you have to tell him "

"I know " I said

I sat there cuddled in his arms for another minute.Officer knocks on the door "Is it okay to come in ?"

"Yes come in " we move our chairs so we are facing the table.Dad still holds my hand .

"So where were we ,Oh yah is there any other enemies I should know about ?" I glance at dad and he smiles At me .

"A few weeks ago .......I ......got....beat....beat up...." I said he wrote that down

"Did you report it?" He asks dad shakes his head "no we haven't yet " Dad said and looked at me he wanted me to tell him the rest .

"Who beat you up?" Keven asked

"Toby Lars " I said

"So what happened ?" He asked

"I herd a nose and I said stop and then he saw me the other person got away and he slaped my cheek i fell
He told me ......that if I told any one ....he would make my life a living hell...and he would break every bone in my body ...."

We answered questions and stuff we were there in tell midnight and an officer followed us home and he officer Kevin gave all of us his card with his numbers .He told us to always lock the doors always have your phone with and go in twos and don't stay out late.When we got home Lou and Niall were curled up together under a blanket .As soon as we came in They both come over to Me and give me a hug .

"What happens?" Niall asked
I sit on the other couch and Dad explains what happened while I sit and listen "I wanna go to bed " I said I get ready for bed . When i got into my bed i left my lamp on in my room i dont want it to be dark .Dad came to my room and sat on the bed and kissed my four head ,he hugged me close

"Can you stay here tonight " I ask he smiles at me

"Sure I will" I lay my head on my pillow he curls up next to me and he put both of his arms around me .I felt warm and safe in his arms .

Ms.PayneWhere stories live. Discover now