Chapter 2 - The Beggining

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The boy was born on the 17th June 251, he was born with red hair and red eyes. Although the red hair wasn't too uncommon, red eyes were unheard of. Instantly, the mother (Miranda Burns), new that the child was special, and he would be just like his dad. The boy was named: Levi Burns. After his great grandfather.

16 years later...

My grandfather once said, "If you want to survive in the dungeon, you will need 1 thing." He paused, as he took out a necklace out of the depths of his pocket. "This necklace is multiple things; it is a lucky charm. A powerful healing magic and many other things which you will discover on your way to becoming the most powerful dungeoneer ever known to mankind!"

And so, he put the necklace over my head and hung it around my neck. "If you want to become the strongest of them all, then you need determination, resilience and talent. I already know you have all three of these things in you. But I may be able to give you a little push, he said with a sly smile. He held his hand over my head and started chanting, "Do ra mi sa, Ies inna gal dan san."

A white light filled the room. And my grandfather was left sweating profusely and looking older than before. "What did you do?" I asked.

He smiled. "Nothing much, just a little help along the way."

6 years later...

I am 16 now, my grandfather had died about a month after the events above and here I was. My first time going into the dungeon. I clutched my necklace; it was a very nice necklace. Made off silver chain and ended with a gem that looked like a water droplet, but the colour was green and there had been a word from a foreign language inscribed to the front of it.

My grandfather told me that I would find out what this necklace could help me with. And I was hoping that it would. Just like my father, I had natural fire casting abilities and had already learned (in secret) how to cast the three spells my dad had learned. I looked around me, the city street was bustling with life, I had a backpack on. And in it were multiple things, about 50,000 crowns, a basic knife, some dog food, and a baby wolf with his head sticking out the top of my bag, his tongue lolling out his open mouth.

I reached behind me and petted Toto. That was his name. I was so excited, I ran to the nearest armoury and looked around for a bit.

"Can I help you lad?" A voice called out.

I turned around and saw an old woman standing there, with the armouries staff uniform on.

"Yes, I'm looking for some armour and a great sword, if you have one?" I asked.

"Oh really?" she asked questioningly, looking me up and down. "You look a little scrawny to be using a great sword!"

I took of my cloak, revealing my tall stature and muscular build, I had a military vest on with a short-sleeved grey shirt tightly fitted underneath.

"Alright then, boy." She said with a low growl, "Aisha! Come here! Can you measure this boy for some armour, make it red! It would be a good colour for him," she said, eyeing my hair and eyes. "Also, we need a great sword, make sure it's the right size for him, and don't bother weighing how much it is. The boy can handle it."

I thanked the old lady as a girl with bright pink, short hair came into the room with some measuring tape. "If you would follow me please." She said and turned around and walked into the room she had come from. I followed her in and saw that the room was empty except for a small stool and about 10 great swords and pieces of armour lying against the wall.

How had they already gotten all of those things when that old lady only asked me about it half a minute ago? But I soon stopped wondering about these things when the girl asked me to stand behind the stool so she could stand up on it and measure me. That done, she started measuring me and when she finished that, we started fitting on pieces of armour and I picked a red one which had wolf fur (sorry Toto) around the collar. I also picked a great sword.

It was a metallic grey with the sharp edge having a light grey painted on it about an inch from the edge. I also, bought a strong, leather back sheath for my great sword and I took a sheath for my knife if I had to use it.

Now, I had some red armour to go with my red hair and eyes. And I also had a huge sword on my back and a small knife on my hip.

I was ready to go. Now, I only had about 20,000 crowns on me. Which was enough for a long time. I set off for the dungeon entrance, (leaving Toto at home) there were lots of people milling about there. Coming and out of the entrance. The people coming out looked more tired and roughed up than the people going in. That was the queue I was in.

Once in, there was no need to take the elevator, because now I was only on Floor 1. The first danger I encountered were ants, not the small ones you are used to, big ones, bigger than an average human. I slashed at them. Fending them off.

The group of ants circled around me. I slashed at them but to no avail. They were fast. Too fast. They kept dodging my attacks. I suddenly realized the dangers of being an adventurer. The dangers of going into the dungeon.

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