Chapter 4 - The Battle

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The stomping started to get louder, the noises becoming deafening. "What is the floor boss on this floor?" I asked the girl.

"It's a hydra, although the floor boss is supposed to be the weakest out of all of them, it is equal to a Floor 10 boss which is why no one bothers attacking it. People are either too weak to kill it, or too strong to come back to Floor 1. That's why it is probably coming out because it's bored. It's extremely hard to kill, you must cut off all the heads and pierce its heart in 10 seconds. Otherwise, the heads will grow back twice fold and the heart will regrow." She said.

"You sure know a lot about the Floor boss." I replied suspiciously.

"Yeah, that's because-" But she was abruptly cut off because the Hydra came round the corner. Although the cave was very big, the Hydra make it look cramped and widened it where it walked. The only way past it would be to go past its heads or through its legs. It had 9 heads and looked threateningly at me.

For a moment, I was so scared I was frozen to the spot and considered turning tail and running. Then, one of the Hydra heads blasted fire at me and I just barely dodged out of the way after coming to my senses.

"Cover me!" I shouted to the girl. She turned around and looked wide-eyed at me. But I ran a small distance away and then crouched down and took of all my armour, I laid it down on the floor and put on my grey, close-fitting shirt and military vest.

I ran back as fast as I could and saw the girl running around stabbing at the legs of the Hydra. I hefted my great sword up and lunged towards the Hydras first head, I jumped up with all my power and cut of its head with the weight of my sword. I looked to my right and saw that a Hydra head was looking at me ready to spit some fire. So, I turned the flat edge of my sword towards the Hydra like a shield between me and it.

The Hydra released its flame and my sword blocked it, after it finished, I was still falling down, so I used the weight of my sword to pull me around and slice off the damned Hydra head that attacked me.

I landed and just as I lunged at the next head, the stumps where the Hydra heads should be started writhing and started growing 4 more Hydra heads. Now there were 12 Hydra heads.

Now it was the turn of the Hydra to attack. The first head went to headbutt me and another one came from behind and headbutted me, so I was headbutted into another headbutt and went flying into the cave wall, then 3 Hydra heads loomed in front of me and started blasting fire at me. I didn't know where the girl was, but I guessed she was getting similar treatment to me.

I dodged out of the way off the fire, but it burned my leg and made me tumble and fall. I looked down at my leg and it looked like a burn of my skin, so my insides were fine. Some healing magic would fix it... If I got out of here.

NO! I would get out of here! I stood up, ignoring the pain from my leg and looked at the Hydra confidently. And suddenly everything went white and fireworks went off in my head. When my vision cleared, I saw me, at least I thought it was me. It looked like me.

Something was weird, I was looking down at the scene of me standing in front of the Hydra, but suddenly, the scene changed, and I started moving. I moved with incredible speed and hefted my great sword without difficulty and chopped off three of the Hydra heads with one swing, then I swinged and split a head in half that was in front of me, I chopped off the rest and swung down with my great sword, powering my sword through the whole of the body and piercing the heart, splitting the entire body.

I saw myself walk forwards towards the defeated body of the Hydra while it disintegrated into dust and a big crystal was revealed. I picked it up, put it in my backpack, and crumpled to the ground. After that, everything was black for a while.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2022 ⏰

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