You Wear It So Well

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Santa Monica, California

April 17, 1997


Stevie was making him dizzy. Lindsey was sitting up in bed, remote in hand, attempting to find something to watch on television while Stevie tore through her closet, looking for something to wear for their interviews and rehearsal tomorrow. She'd been holding similar black dresses up against her body in the mirror, tossing clothing around and looking as though she was about to cry in frustration. Lindsey knew from experience that when Stevie worked herself up and was truly overthinking something, the best thing to do was let her tire herself out and then just be there to listen. Stevie had always been self conscious about her body, and having spent a few years overweight in the public eye had only made it worse. She'd lost a great deal of weight but he got the feeling that she still carried the extra weight inside, as if she was still that same girl who'd been the butt of jokes in the media after her performance of "Blue Denim" on Late Night With David Letterman, when she was at her heaviest. He never skipped a chance to tell her she was beautiful, but somehow it didn't always sink in.

"Hey Linds, what are you wearing tomorrow?" Her voice was muffled and came from the back of her walk-in closet.

"Probably jeans and a button-down," he replied, and he settled on the CNN news before setting the remote down. The reporters were having an in-depth discussion about the case of the murder of Bill Cosby's son.

Stevie appeared before him then after stepping over piles of clothes to get out of the closet, and she wore a black silk nightgown and nothing else. She was chewing on the underside of her thumbnail, deep in thought. "You're a guy," she said, not stopping her assault on her thumbnail as she spoke. "You literally put on any cloth item that fits and you look fine.."

Lindsey sat up straighter against the pillows and turned to her. "Let me tell you something, show up just wearing that little 'cloth item' you have on right now, and the interviewer will definitely be listening to what you have to say!" He couldn't stop staring at her. The black silk nightgown stopped mid-thigh and had slinky little straps, one of which kept slipping from her shoulder, and her hair fell in sheets of gold all around her and down her back. She gave a shy little giggle. He said, "You'll look fine whatever you wear, angel, so don't make me pull you down into this bed and show you, repeatedly, how beautiful you are." He gave her a wicked grin.

"Oh you think you can do that?" she teased back, inching closer to his side of the bed.

"I know I can do that." He was sitting up straight now, closer to the edge, a look in his eye like he was ready to pounce, and Stevie was playfully inching away, until Lindsey suddenly grabbed hold of her wrist and pulled her right over onto the bed, where she squealed and landed in a giggling heap flat on her back across the middle of the bed. Lindsey bent over her and kissed her with a passion that took her breath away, and when he was finished and she looked up at him, he said, "Was that enough or do you need more convincing? Because I am prepared to make my point all night if I have to..." He was gliding his finger down the length of her body, the featherlight sensation of his touch against the cool silk of her nightgown making her shiver.

"I remain unconvinced," she teased up at him, smiling, suddenly very turned on by this unexpected little game. "You're going to have to plead your case more than that."

"I've got a ton of evidence..." Lindsey was using his entire hand now, beginning at her thigh and working his way slowly up her body to her breasts, where he ran his thumb over one of her nipples, which were already at attention from his touch through the thin silk of her nightgown. He heard a soft sigh escape her as he lightly cupped her breasts in each hand, gently swiping over her nipples with his thumbs, saying, "Convinced yet?"

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