Something new

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~I don't own Naruto, if I did I would be there, or any pictures~

Chi's P.O.V
               We were running. Not really from anyone or anything, just to get to where we are heading faster. We are heading to the leaf village, so that I could become a ninja for bit. Of course I don't expect them to let me into their village without a good reason and I wouldn't be surprised if the Kage of the leaf village has me watched to make sure that I'm not a threat to their home.
              'Why do you want to become a ninja all of a sudden?' Aka, a wolf spirit, asked inside my head.
               'We have gone over this already Aka, I want to become a ninja so that I can settle down for a bit and not worry about being chased by some random people.' I told her.
                'I still don't understand why now of all the other times you could go.' She murmured.
                'Can we stop now? I'm going to die, we've been running forreevverr.' Kira complained. I stop and look at her, then I sweat drop. She was laying on her back, spread out, with her tongue sticking out.
               "We have only been running for half the day. You really are lazy and dramatic, Kira," I pause, "you look like roadkill."
                'Well that's not nice.' She told me as she got up and started looking for a place to sleep. I looked around as well and after a bit of both of us looking I found a tall, thick tree that was hollow at the bottom.
               "Kira! I found a place! Come help clean it up!" I yelled in her direction.
              'I'm coming!' She barked back. I heard her paws hitting the ground as she ran back to me.
             We fixed the hollowed out tree up a bit so that it was.........cleaner and softer. I used a simple wind style jutsu to clear all of the extra dust, nuts and other things that have collected there. Then we gathered moss and lined the ground inside, finally laying down a blanket.
              "There all done, let's go to bed." I yawned looking at my faithful wolf companion.
             I laid down on the blanket next to Kira, who curled up against my back, and gazed at the stars that shimmered through the tree leaves.
             'I love how the stars shine so bright in the dark sky.' I think to myself.
             'Yes, it is a pretty sight isn't it? But I still think the full moon is the best part of the night sky.' Aka responds to my thoughts.
             'The full moon is indeed a beautiful sight.' I glance at Kira who was snoring sound asleep.
            'It must be nice, being able to fall asleep so quickly. I'm tired but when I lay down and look at the sky I feel wide awake.'
             'It's the wolf in you, and no I'm not talking about myself.' She commented.
             'Well you are the one who gave my clan the wolf in us, soooo.' I chuckle.
             'You should sleep now, I'll wake you tomorrow if I'm not sleeping.'
             'Alright.' I shut the makeshift door, which was just branches of leaves leaning against the opening of the tree, and then I pulled down my mask so that I could comfortably breathe.
When we get to the Leaf village I'll go to the ninja academy, graduate and get myself a team. Maybe even earn myself some more companions, or even learn the summoning jutsu and get myself a summon. That's if the Kage lets me stay in the village and let's me go to the academy. Maybe instead of going to the academy I could just skip that.
               "Good night Kira, Aka." I mumble.
              'Yummmm. Nice juicy steak.' Kira drools chewing on a stick.
              With that I fell asleep to the snoring, mumbling of bloody steak, the shine of the stars and a quiet whisper from Aka.
             'Let's hope for some excitement and something new from this new place we are traveling to.'

Chi of the Wolf Clan (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now