meeting steve harrington

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after seeing him, I quickly looked away and sat up. the last time I seen harrington was when he was dating some girl twice his age, well I don't actually think they were dating, just hooking up.

i looked to the front of the classroom, then I heard, "hey." . I turned to look at him, he was looking directly at me. wow, I don't remember him being so attractive.

"oh, hi." I said, I couldn't help but smiling. I started to become a little hot, i tucked my hair behind my ears.

"you are?" he asked , i couldn't help but smile more. i looked at his eyes again, his beautiful hazel eyes and answered, "y/n."

I gulped, "and you?" I asked, even though I already knew. "Steve harrington." he immediately said, I nodded my head and then turned to the teacher.

i could still feel his eyes still on me.

the class began, as I was all comfy in my seat I heard, "hello class! can we all say hello to y/n who just came back to hawkins high school after a whole year!"

I sunk into my seat as everyone started staring at me, the only person I was happy to be staring was Steve.

then, angela put her hand up facing me. angela is the school bully, once around a year and a half ago she was making fun of the schools 'nerd' and I stood up to the girl that's she was bullying. let's just say Angela wasn't happy.

"I have a question, is it true that you left hawkins because you killed barb?" she confidently asked.

luckily for her, the teacher didn't hear. but everyone else in the class did, and they all giggled.

i started to tear up, I gulped and stormed out of the class. as soon as I was outside, I burst into tears.

I sinked to the floor and put my head onto my knees, I heard someone come out of the classroom.

"oh y/n." I heard nancy say, she sat on the floor with me and hugged me.

I risen my head and put my arms around her. "why would she even say that nance?" I said, still crying.

thirty seconds later, she replied, "she's a bully, a good for nothing bully. she just thinks she's cool and funny, when all she does is hurt people who do nothing to her."

not only does it hurt that she said that to me, but it also really hurts that she's definitely done much worse to others. god knows what she has done to the 'nerd' I once defended.

"I'm gonna go to the counsellor's office." I mumbled, "can you tell sir?" I questioned nance, she nodded her head and hugged me one last time.

"bye." I mumbled, she said the same back.

she went back into the class room, I forced myself up and instead of going to the counsellors office, I just walked around the school.

as I was walking, I thought of all the times me, barb and nance used to skip lessons walking, or sometimes running, down these very halls. oh I wish life now was that easy and simple.

i found a bench in the hall and sat down, my eyes were still puffy from before. i wiped them, I fucking hate that angela, I wonder who actually spread that rumour.

as I was wiping my tears, I heard someone call my name, as they turned the corner to me.

i recognised them, it was steve.

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