Chapter 1

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Giyuu was as much of an enigma as a pain in the wss for his colleagues.

There was nothing to say about his skills. Tomioka Giyuu was an exemplary demon slayer, whether it's the number of missions he completed or his result. You could even say that he was a bit workaholic: it was almost impossible to find him at his estate, the only exception being a hashira meeting or an injury.

If you asked the hashiras to describe him in one word it word be asocial. The man was a notorious introvert and uunentitionaly obtuse to most of the intricacies of social interaction. But unlike Tokyo who had his zoning to explain his detachment from what was going on around him, tomioka just seemed like he just didn't want anything to do with anyone most of the time.

Yet the other pillars tried.

Uzui who was the only alpha of there reduced group of pillars, invited him to drink several times. The pillars had ,are a tradition of spending an evening at the bar after the meeting with Oyakata-sama, to share their experiences and anecdotes. But tomioka always declined until he finally stopped asking.

Kanroji and rengoku extroverted and welcoming as they were had been the next attempt to break through tomioka giyuu's ice walls. They still hadn't given up much to Shinazugawa and Obanai's annoyance and Uzuis silent admiration who respected their patience and dedication.

Rengoku made the effort to greet him whenever he came across him, inquiring about his missions his condition and even his feelings. The best he had managed to get were momosyllabal responses which he had always seemed to take as a personal victory. But he could never interact with tomioka for long  the other man always finding a reason to run away from him. Rengoku could be quite intense and with tomioka's apparent aversion to social interactions, there was only one small dose of rengokuness that the ravenette could handle.

For kanroji it was more complicated because look no one can honestly hate kanroji. Not because she was absurdly pretty but because her kindness just didn't seem to have any limit. And because she also had the patience of a saint, which was more the necessary when dealing with Tomioka Giyuu as sa id by Shinobu kocho. No the problem with kanroji was that she was a very attractive omega prime and obanai was a very possessive and protective of her. And obanai didn't like tomioka giyuu. And okay the water pillar could be quite obtuse during social interactions but he wasn't completely stupid either. Obanai's heterocramatic eyes promised a slow and painful death everything he lingered to long.

In the end the one who has the dubious honor of spending the most time with tomioka giyuu was Kocho Shinobu the insect pillar. It wasn't even because they were friends or if they were actually friends they had a funny way of showing it. Most of the time the interacted was In a professional setting. After all Kocho was the designated medic for all the hashiras and tomioka although generally reluctant to seek treatment would always go to see her if there was a problem as he previously did with her sister Kanae. They couldn't have been more different then day and night and yet tomioka tee usted them the same way without questioning.

Because were Kanae was a gentle and sweet omega her sister was a bitter and angry alpha despite hiding all that anger behind sweet expressions. That did not stop her from being terribly efficant at what she did on the contrary for such a small woman she could be downright terrifying. She was brilliantly running her estate and had enabled the Corps to make incredible advances in the medical field.

The only problem Giyuu would have with her was that the young alpha just like Shinazugawa  Sanemi, always seemed to have some problem with with him. He was obtuse yes yes blind to a lot of social signs but he knew that if she teased him sometimes a lot of the time she was just purely antagonistic.

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