Chapter 2

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As many things will do next, it all starts with the Kamados.

It starts off relatively badly.

The snow clings to his shoes and pants and he knows, despite his speed, that he won't be fast enough.

That he wasn't fast enough.

The image of the corpses, drowned in their own blood, in this quiet little house on the top of the mountain does not leave his mind. Because he was too late, too late, too late -...

It starts off badly, because there is a demon and a human. And because the human protects the demon. He manages to keep the creature away from the child - because gods, it’s a child, only a child, he can almost still smell the traces of milk in his pheromones - but the smell of pure distress that emanates from him almost makes Giyuu let go of his prey.

"She’s my sister" he shouts, his eyes filled with dread. "She's my little sister, please don't hurt my sister”. And he can see it, the resemblance despite the demon's twisted features. He can smell it too, how their perfumes intertwine, complementing each other.

The child begs, kneels in the snow. His smell is everywhere, heavy and uncontrolled, full of horror and sorrow as he begs Giyuu to please don't kill his sister.

Something twists in his stomach, dark and dirty. Towards himself ? Towards this useless plea ? He chokes on the feeling, until he finds himself screaming like he hasn't done in years.

“Don't grovel like that and give your enemies a chance to kill you !”

It starts badly, because after this exclamation the child decides to fight. Against him. He can't be more than 14, still a Juvenile, still a child.

He is desperate and yet thoughtful, the hatchet vibrating in the trunk next to his head as proof enough that Giyuu should never have let his guard down, even in the face of a child.

Especially when the demon takes the opportunity to kick it away and rush at the downed body and he growls, screams inwardly because he's been stupid, he has...


"She'd never eat a human ! "

The demon… It’s… She… She is protecting him.

It starts off badly because Giyuu has to question his entire worldview as he watches a demon defend a human. As he stares, dumbfounded, at everything he knew to be turned upside down.

His hands are shaking as he slips a bamboo muzzle into the demon girl's mouth and looks at the child lying in the snow. Now that they don't try to kill each other anymore and that he can finally take a deep breath, he has this strangest urge to cry.

They are, indeed, Juveniles. They surely had their first presentation recently, a faint smell of Alpha still floating around the girl while her brother smells strongly of Omega. It's a sweet, sugary smell, not unlike a honeycomb fresh from the hive, the sun on the thick grass and the warmth of a fireplace.

It smells like love, care and home.

…They no longer have a home.

Well, yes, they have a house but it is full of corpses and stained with blood. Besides, they can't be left alone, can they ? Do they even know how to fend for themselves ? Surely yes, they live in the mountains after all and this kind of place teaches you to be resourceful. But they had their mother before, whereas now they are alone and it's Giyuu's fault for not being faster…

Omega Progenitor Tomioka Giyuu Where stories live. Discover now