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Walking down the alley. Jimin was dead scared of the darkness he saw. Jimin wasn't used to see this much of darkness nor he wanted to see. He was scared of darkness. But he couldn't just go leaving Yoonsun alone when she brought him here nor he could say no to her. He was looking here and there, that he didn't notice that Yoonsun was checking up on him again and again for him to be okay. She did brought him here but she knew about his fears and she wanted him to be well. As Yoonsun looked front removing eyes from him she heard a loud 'tuh' sound from behind. She turned back only to see Jimin on floor. She had sharp eyes so she could see clearly in darkness. As she helped him get up she saw he tripped over a body.

"Oh god now who the heck disposed a body here? Like really?"- Jimin
"Wait bro. This a place no one comes. Many bodies are found over here and no one knows who killed them. Let take this body out of the alley to see if we got any lead"- Yoonsun
"Okay!! But let's just get outta here as soon as possible"- Jimin
"Yes we are getting out as soon as possible take him or her on your back."- Yoonsun
"Eh... ah.. uh i am taking it"- Jimin

Jimin was gonna say it's disgusting but stopped by her glares. He picked the body on his back and started following Yoonsun again. They got out of the alley in some minutes, and Jimin took a deep breath of relief. He put the body down and saw it was boy some what of his age. He looked up to Yoonsun and saw her whispering something at very low voice that was inaudible for him. So he asked her what it was but in return Yoonsun picked the body on her back and put it the car and started the car as she saw Jimin sitting on the passenger seat. And they directly when to their house. As they reached their house Yoonsun look the body to her room and called their family doctor. As everyone in the house saw a doctor rushing towards Yoosnun's soon and Jimin behind with a confused face at first they went to him knowing Yoonsun told she is going to dark alley with him and they know he is scared of darkness.

"Jimin as you?"- Jin
"Yeah hyung i am fine. Don't worry Yoonsun was with me the whole time so i am okay"- Jimin
"Why did that doctor rush upstairs?"- Jhope
"No idea. Me and Yoonsun went to dark alley and tripped over a body and fell. Yoonsun helped me stand up and told to bring the body outside. So i did and when i saw who it was it was a boy somewhat of my or Jungkook's age. He was badly injured and Yoonsun brought him home so i guess the doctor came to treat him and Yoonsun called him"- Jimin


"I have treated his wounds still it's harmful for him to walk around or do movements so just take care if him"- Doctor.
"Thanks Dr. Hun"- Yoonsun
"No problem dear!"- Dr. Hun
"Please i will lead you out"- Yoonsun
"Sure"- Dr. Hun

Yoonsun lead Dr. Hun outside and ran towards her room again ignoring her brother's call. Jungkook and Yoongi followed her.

"Yoon!! Who is he?"- Yoongi
"Vicky"- Yoonsun
"WHAT?? Are you insane you are keeping a enemy in our house and also treating him???"- Yoongi
"Some people look enemies but are friends. Some people look friends but are enemies"- Yoonsun
"Huh?"- Jungkook
"Vicky was my friend a long ago. He randomly started ignoring me. He helped me a lot. I didn't tell you and father cause you didn't like friends of me. I want to know the reason he left. I know he had hard time about it."- Yoonsun
"Are you sure? I mean he comes from enemy side do you trust him?"- Yoongi
"I said i do trust him not his father and friends. If it's one of their doing, once they come and they die. Simply done."- Yoonsun
"You brain is superficial. I can't even think this much"- Yoongi
"Can a a lazy brain person like you can think too?"- Yoonsun
"lol..."- Jungkook
"You wanna pick up a fight with me?"- Yoongi
"You are eager?"- Yoongi
"Ah..."- Vicky
"Huh! He woke up"- Jungkook

Yoonsun went near him to check up if he is really awake...

"Where the fuck am i?"- Vicky
"In a part of hell!!"- Yoongi
"Huh? Who are you? Why am i here?"- Vicky
"Don't act dumb like you donno know me!!"- Yoonsun
"Yo-Yoonsun?"- Vicky
"Dam i knew you won't forget it..."- Yoonsun
"But why am i here?"- Vicky

Yoonsun smirked at herself...


Sorry very much guys i didn't update in months...

I am so so so sorry

Love you all guys hope you keep supporting...

And i am so sorry 🤧🥺🥺

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