Bella is here....

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OMG! OKAY! SO! I was more than ready to start updating again like Mid-May BUT THEN I got Covid - and I was so fucking sick! (For three weeks, my dudes) and then my phone went off; which was fine except at the same exact time my ROUTER JUST UP AND DIED ON ME. I ordered a new one and they were like - TwO tO fIvE dAyS - which felt like FOREVER but memorial day weekend so I was like fine whatever - and then It's been a week (yesterday!) So I called and they. NEVER. SENT. IT. OUT. - I could have screamed. So I was like TF?! and they were like okay now THIS TIME we promise in - TwO tO fIvE dAyS - but I made them overnight that bitch (PLEASE I HOPE THEY DID D:) cause I WILL change my internet provider before I'm forced to wait a whole nother week! I'm bumming some of my friends hot spot right now and for that reason this chapter may not be the best.... I do a lot of research when I write and for obvious reasons I am so limited right now so I am SO SORRY for the wait on this but I may have to set my IP on fucking fire. No big deal. xD Life is just trying to make me lose my sanity atm. BUT! An update is an update is an update????? See you when I see you <3 Oh BTW I changed Alexia's name to Gracie. xD


"Telekinesis," Carlisle breathed, writing notes faster than I could keep up with my eyes while mom continued to soothe my irritation with affection. "The first recorded case!"

"Like being able to move things with her mind?" Jacob questioned, watching as Edward picked himself slowly off the floor and the cracks littering his skin healed; albeit slowly.

"Telekinesis is connected to the mind. It can be activated and controlled through conscious effort and concentration, willpower and emotion on a particular level of intensity, or through discipline and serenity."

Dad snorted, "I'd say that display was pure emotion and willpower." He smirked eyeing the still destroyed wall.

"Her eyes." Uncle Jasper narrowed his as he studied me. "The violet in them...they were glowing?"

"Our own eye color changes based on our emotions... the potency of the violet in her eyes must signify she is tapping into one of her 'gifts'."

"One of them?" Alice questioned.

"According to the myths, they possess multiple 'gifts'. The potential is unlimited after witnessing Alexia possessing Telekinesis. They could get all the collective powers or only a few of them. Tactile thought projection is their other 'gift'. The ability to project his or her thoughts into another person's mind in the form of vivid pictures, thoughts or feeling through physical touch." At this point I was sure he was more muttering to himself more than he was to any of us. Suddenly he stood, only to disappear and reappear with a tape measure in his hands.

"I want to keep track of their growth, since we have no other way to know which potential growth pattern they will follow." I remembered this from the books and movies; Renesmee hated this process.

Edward grabbed Renesmee from Jacob while Mom nodded slowly and followed him into the kitchen. Sensing mom's hesitance at the situation, Carlisle motioned for Edward to go first. Edward laid Renesmee on the dining room table while Esme held her still.

"Okay Renesmee," Carlisle spoke softly when he noticed her unease. 'Uncomfortable. Apprehension.' I could feel Renesmee's emotions despite Carlisle's attempts to calm her. "I need you to stay very still, okay? I just need to use this tape measure to see how big you are."

It did soothe her some that he had taken the time to explain what was happening but she was quickly getting agitated. Especially when Carlisle would manipulate her legs and arms to stretch as far as they could. It didn't help that, in an effort to be extra thorough, Carlisle was working at a human pace.

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