Therapy Cure

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"So Ms.Eve I've heard some things concerning you would you. like to be cooperative," says Zach OffsBree. "Would you like to be cooperative," I say before letting him finish his sentence. "Ms.Eve won't ever get anything done if you answer my questions with an answer,"he says. "We won't get anything done if you answer my questions with a answer." I say." In the state I was going in I could do this all day,but that meant more help which I didn't want. "Well firstly so you can stop calling me Ms.Eve its Natalia which you obviously knew,"I say. "Yea your right Natalia and I know that you don't want my help or anyone else's help in your state of matter," he says. "Wow aren't you one lucky guy you catch on quick with your magical therapist powers ." I let all that out to Zach with all the sarcasm dripped down right to the very core. "Well can you tell me a little details in general about yourself not much though saying this is not the only appointment of many," he says. "Well as you may know my name is Natalia Eve I'm 14 years old." " I live in well wait why do you want, and need to know," I say. " Well Natalia it's better I we know eachother right wouldn't it be a little awkward sitting here five hours each day with tension," Zach says. "Well I guess your right well then I guess I'll continue," I say. Well I live about. 9 miles from here in a town called Arlington,Virgiana." Woah should I keep on telling him maybe not about everything right now though.He seems calm, and collected about what I'm telling him atleast he isn't pressuring me for anything. "Well I have no siblings, but an older cousin that's 17 that's my basically my sister." "Her name is Rhea Waters, and she lives with me too." Zach announces proudly," Woah slow down there I don't want to rush it all in today so, how about I tell you about myself?" "Sure knock yourself out," I say.
"Well my name is Zachary OffsBree, but everyone calls me Zach I'm 27." "Although I look 19,I have one sibling named Charlie." "Charlie is 15 just turned 15, twelve days ago." "He has had his past, and it left him a little depressed." "He might be around here one day you should meet him," he says. "Zach I would like to meet him someday we share something in common depression, and crucial pasts," I blurted that out. I shouldn't have told him I wince as I reminisce my words. "Natalia I won't make you tell me so don't ok I will never mention what you just said to anyone." He pulls a card out his shirt-pocket and gives it to me I smile as I read it. Zachary OffsBree-274-0055 Call When help is needed anytime,any place I will be there my Address 409 Chanclin Street. I give a confused look while putting it into my backpack I say," Why did you give me that?" "See you thursdat Natalia bye have a wonderful day tell your lovely mom I said Hi."
I take out my phone,and look at my friend Susan's messages.
Susan:Hey how was today
Me:It actually went okay no pressuring or nothing how. was your day
Susan:It was actually surprisingly good Oh Rhea stopped by to get your shoes from my house.
Me: ok that's good she got them i was in need of them hey meet me at my house please you can spend the night if you want.
Susan:Ok but I can't spend the night sorry not tonight anyways I will be leaving town for a day till Thursday.
Me:its ok I understand do you want something to eat along the way too because my mom is already bringing us some food there.
Susan:Yea sure sounds good I already know you told her to get the usual so thanks don't know what I would do without you.

Me:Well bye I will see you there in a while ok my mom will be here any second now.Oh there she is bye✌✌✌

Well that went good. The drive back home was short,but unfortunately there was loads of traffic as usual. "So sweetheart how was the therapist," my mom exclaims. "It was okay just fine," I say. The whole rest of the ride was in complete silence. When we got home Rhea,and Susan were sitting on the couch watching a Romantic movie. "Hey Susan hey Rhea,did you miss me while I was gone I know you did,"I cheer. "We absolutely did,didn't we Rhea,"Susan says. "Yeah whatever I'm not really in the mood today,"Rhea grunts. "Oh tell me all about is it John,"I ask plopping down on the couch between those two. "Well no it has to do with you,"Rhea states. "Me what about me," I say? "Nothing important I'm just worried about you that's all everyone is," Rhea says. "Hey I got the food lets eat everyone,"I yell. We all eat in silence,and my mom goes to her room muttering goodnight.
I eventually tell them everything that went on at the dentist. "So is he hot him,and his brother tell me about them,"Rhea and Susan both cheer. "Well his brother is 5 ft 8 hair is light brown hair with green eyes,he is really handsom,"I say. "Well I haven't met his brother but I'm looking forward to it though,"I say. "Woah I want a shot of that hotness anyway anytime anyday,"Rhea exclaims proudly. We start to watch Taken 3,and Susan leaves. Me and Rhea soon go to bed flustered. I dreamt of rose thrones coated in layers of blood mosaic stone panels. Glass vials lay around the room leaking some green liquid. On the throne I sit all alone lonely no one to help me. Yes I hold the lonely crown I am not meant to sit on the throne alone. I wake up panting well wasn't that some dream I look at the clock only 3:00 am. I fall right back to sleep.

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