Lonesome Troublesome

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That dream was quite a fantasy idealist. I had sleep
  the rest of my sleep for only three,and a half hours. Atleast today school was out,but I didn't really have any one to spend my day with. Well Rhea might've wanted to go the park with me,but she was working today.  The park was a place I would go to since I was six. The park was the last day I had seen my dad also on June 1,2008.  I was only seven when I watched my own dad die. It was the most painful scariest moment of my life.  Two people all dressed in dark green had emerged out of the lilies yes the lilies, and killed my dad.  They didn't just kill him anyway either they poured this yellow misty powder on him,and he just bleed to death then dissolved.   Then they just leftI had tried telling people what happened but they didn't believe me. They couldn't even find any remains of him he just disappeared altogether. Only Rhea,and Susan believe although sometimes I believe they don't. I just know they want me to be happy,and not mourn over him.
             Me:are you on your break yet cause I wanted to see if you wanted to go to the park with me.
             Rhea:I would love to,but my break is in about 12 more mins can you wait that long.
             Me:sure I gotta get ready,and stuff to so see you in a while meet me at the gayes have fun at work
              Rhea:ok then I will meet you at the gates ha like I will have fun.
       I quickly throw on a blue silk blouse,and jeans. I put on asoda auburn scarf,and my brown boots. I grab my phone,and back pack the head out.
    Me:oh oops can you pick me up at the house.
     Rhea:Sure thing by sis.
    I walk around outside a bit till she comes.  We don't talk much when we get in the car just the plain conversation. "So I don't know if you wanted to have a picnic,but I brought some food," says Rhea. "What I would love to have a picnic with you,and I would like to show you what I saw when I was seven," I say. "Well lets picnic by that maple tree with the spiral vines," she says.  We then start setting up our picnic then we eat. She had brought freshly cut green apples,soda, and some cheese and crackers. They were very delicious.  "Hey I see you liked the food I brought you," Rhea says. "Are you kidding me thus food is amazing Amanda sure made this delicious," I say. "You guessed right Amanda did make this I don't know what I would do without a friend like her," she says. "Well you know that I told you what happened to my bad but,you never got to see I don't believe so," I say. "Hey I would've believed you anyway ok well looks go look,"she says. I tell her to stay behind my trail. I lead her about
50 square miles from where we currently we where. "Now here is where this man,and women dressed in dark green emerged from the trees.""They come up behind my dad in a blur,and pour this yellow misty stuff onto my dad then he bleeds."" After he bleed he just disappeared into this misty like form into a swirling dark hole in the the air," I say all that in one breath.  "Woah Naty that's alot to take in,but I believe you,"says Rhea. We had keep walking back when we saw a shimmer of green in the trees in front us then it disappeared. "Woah what was that," we both say in unison. "Well I really don't know lets head back to the home,"I say. She nods her head in agreement,and we take off to the car. When we got in the car I had checked my phone I had four missed messages,and a call from my Mom. I called mom back first.        
     "Hey mom I see that you called me I was at the park with Rhea," I say. "Well I won't be home until Saturday,"says my Mom. "Why,who is gonna take me to my appointment tomorrow," I say. "Well since I know Rhea has work early maybe ask Amanda to she would love to take you," she says. "Well ok how do you know she will cause I asked her Amanda said yes,and you can bring Susan too," she says. "She said you could bring Susan to hang out after the appointment with Rhea too when she gets off of work," she says. "Ok bye mom sure thing," I say. I
I look at my text messages  I got 2 messages from Amanda, and the other 2 from Susan. 
  Amanda:i'm picking you up tomorrow at 9:00 am.
   Amanda:I hope that is fine with you your mom called me today to tell you.  
The rest of the ride home was quiet,and peaceful.  I just played with the glowing blue crystal necklace that my Aunt had gotten me when I was four.  It was really stony,and sparkly. Sometimes I thought I had caught it glowing,or fogging up.I guess it must've been in my head,or I was just too sleepy to comprehend what was in front of eyes.  When we got home Susan was sitting on our steps


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