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"Why?" he asked. "Why did you quit?"

Sora pushed her mouth together, her head turning to look at Tai. "Quit what?"


"I just thought I'd give something else a try," Sora said as she rested her face in her hand, perplexed why he was even asking.

"I see," Tai muttered, glancing away as if the very topic he brought up were making him feel uncomfortable. He nervously rubbed the back of his neck.

"Can I ask why you're asking?"

"Just, I thought," Tai started off saying, "that you'd have told me you were switching since we're friends."

Sora startled, sitting up straight, wondering why she hadn 't told Tai, as they were friends. " Because he 'd be disappointed? I mean, we played soccer together during elementary school, and it was our thing, though it's not my thing anymore. " Yet that didn't feel right as she said, "Is that what has you worried? If so..."

"I was just wondering if your mom had anything to do with the switch?" Tai asked.

Sora felt her entire body tense up. "Now, why would my mom have anything to do with why I decided to quit soccer and take up tennis?"

"Because she hated that you played soccer," Tai said.

And there it was. Sora let the corner of her mouth twist up. "Come on. My mom and I are getting along now."

"Capitulating to what your parents want isn't getting along, Sora," Tai said.

"She just wants what is best for me," Sora said, turning her head to look at the front of the classroom, continuing to lean into her hand.

"Parents aren't always right, though," Tai said.

"And what would you know about that?"

Tai frowned. "You've met my parents, right?"

"I have? And?" Sora sighed. "You've got the greatest parents ever, Tai. So I don't think..."

"My parents are overprotective," Tai muttered. "It's because," there came a pause. He took a deep breath. "I guess you could chalk it up to Kari becoming sick when she was younger?" He cleared his throat, almost as if he were avoiding saying something else as if he were trying to hide something from her. She turned her head to look at him, noting how he avoided eye contact with her. "Let's just say I know first hand that parents, the good ones, always have the best interests of their kids at heart; they're not already right."

"Tai?" Sora frowned. "Your parents—they aren't abusive, are they?"

"Are they?" Tai startled confusion on his face. "Are you asking if my parents ever physically abused me? Because the only time my parents hit me was when Kari got sick."

"Oh. That," Sora frowned, a bit irritated at him now, given that was his comparison point. "Didn't you deserve it? Didn't you take your sister out while she was sick?"

"And right there's your problem Sora," Tai said. "I was definitely wrong for not listening to my mom about not going outside with Kari while she was sick. I did not, though, deserve my mom hitting me for it. It was scary enough; Kari ended up in the hospital as she did. Meaning my mom didn't have to hit me to get the point across. She did it because she lost it." Tai glanced away, his arms crossing his chest. "Though, I do have to admit it likely wasn't Kari getting sick that had her like that."

"What do you mean by that?"

Tai startled, but the way he looked at her—something told her he 'd let something slip just then. "I—sorry, I shouldn't have said anything."

"Tai, what do you mean you shouldn't have said anything."

"It's complicated. Look. Just, don't push it. Please. I just can't talk about it. Even with Kari."

And then she became worried. She knew Tai all too well, about how he 'd brave things out to let things eat him up. While he was the Digidestioned of courage, it wasn't a good use of his bravery. It was a toxic use. "Tai, do you have anyone to talk to whatever's going on with?"

"I used to. But, he's gone now," Tai said. He smiled at her. "Don't worry, though. I'm fine."

He didn 't seem fine. She wanted to say as much.

"Anyways, are you sure that your mom didn't pressure you into changing sports?"

Sora watched him, realizing suddenly that they 'd come back to what started the conversation, his worry about her mom pressuring her into quitting soccer. "Yes."

She said it is, knowing full well it was a lie, that her mother had indeed pressured her into taking up a different sport. The look on Tai 's face was as if he knew she was lying, which meant she'd done the exact opposite of putting her friend at ease. He stood there, mouth agape, obviously unsure of how to proceed. And at that moment, it seemed as if he had the entire world on his shoulders, which made her even more worried about whatever it was he was hiding from her. Yet, as he didn't know how to respond, she didn't either. "Maybe you'll think of playing doubles with me sometime?"

"What?" Tai startled. He rubbed the back of his neck.


Sora 's eyes widened as she saw his face flush. He looked at the ground. "Um. I..."

"I'm not saying you should give up soccer," Sora said. "Just that I'd like to play with you sometime. Tennis, that is. And I'll definitely think about the whole switching sports thing. Can you be supportive of me on this?"

"Of course," Tai said, smiling and laughing. "I'm not sure about the doubles, though. Though, if you're stepping outside of your comfort zone, I could as well?"

"You don't have to."

"Sure I do. I..."

"Tai," Sora said firmly, wondering how many times he stepped outside of his own comfort zone, thinking back to whatever he was hiding. "Don't force yourself. It wouldn't be any fun if you did, right?"

"Oh. Yeah. Right," Tai said. And then, out of the blue. "Oh! Kari's trying something new as well."

Sora smiled, noticing how he 'd changed the subject. Sometimes it was intentional, but this seemed to be one of those unintentional times as if his mind had drifted to another thought. He acted more like his usual, cheerful self, which put her at ease. "What?"

"Photography. Though, she's not very good at it yet."

"Did you tell her that?" Sora frowned.

Tai startled. "You want me to lie to my little sister? "

"You want to discourage her?"

"My sister can take criticism, but when she's disappointed in how they turn out, she needs to be encouraged that she'll get better with practice," Tai said, looking away nervously.

"Tai. What did you do?"

"Well, I might not have even realized she'd taken up photography if it weren't for her looking so glum and me looking over her shoulder to see the pictures she'd taken, so..."

"Honestly. You're the worst brother ever."

"I know, but I do try."

"That's definitely something I know," Sora laughed. "Careful, or your little sister will get a brother complex."

"What. No. She's going to marry T.K.," Tai blurted out. "She likes Matt's little brother."

"Tai?" Sora sighed.


"Your little sister is eight."


And sometimes Tai could be the most oblivious person in the world.

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