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So this is my first part and I thought why not start with my OTP!

 Basically, what I'm gonna try to do here is summarise the ship, list good and bad things about it, then give it a rating. I will try to be as unbiased as possible, though I may euther end up fangirling or screaming like a banshee at the end of each chapter.

 So, Cleril. It's a ship between Clay and Peril (obviously.) Clay is a Dragonet of Destiny, and Peril is a firescales Skywing. 

 Peril fell for Clay soon after they first met (which is obvious to anyone who's seen them together) and I can see why. Anyways, Clay probably likes her back, judging from when in book 9 Darkstalker says Clay's been "having some very sweet thoughts" about someone and a couple other, cute, scenes.

 Pros? It's really, really cute, and it fits into a few tropes, which I love, and they have loads of screen time, it just fits. Peril really loves Clay and he likes her too. Besides, it's better than any other ship involving Clay, like Claynami. I actually don't know any others... so yeah. Involving Peril, there is Pertle, which I'll get to eventually. 

 Cons? Unfortunately there are cons I can see, and the biggest one is Peril's over-obsession with Clay. She just loves him in a very freaky way, and she'd kill for him. Cleril is almost canon, so that's a pro. I guess. If Tui let Peril develop a little and see her life doesn't have to revolve around any one dragon, then it'd be much  better. Also, Clay seems slow in realising his romantic feelings for Peril, and if Peril had that development I talked about, then she might just get impatient and move on.

 So, I'd say this is 6/10. It's very meh as it is, and it just needs a little bit of work to be perfect.

 That's all for today! Thanks for reading this to the end, goodbye, and as always, love you all!


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