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July 4th, 1985

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July 4th, 1985

DUSTIN AND ERICA HAD LEFT Robin, Steve and Aven in said girl's record store whilst they looked around the mall, scanning for any signs of the Russian guards. The three elder teens were instructed to stay in the shop until they came back, just in case any Russians from the base were strolling by and recognized the bloody and bruised pair, or even the loud girl in the sailor's uniform.

"Well, you two look like you had a great time," Robin said whilst she flicked through the canvases by the counter. Steve rolled his eyes as Aven chuckled, leaning into her boyfriend with her back pressed against the cold bench.

"I hate Russians. Those ill-mannered, despicable bast-" 

"Steve!" Aven shouted as she sent a smack to his shoulder, causing him to cower away with a hand against his uniform. Robin ignored the pair as she pulled out an album, running her pale fingers over the cardboard cover.

"I love this song," she murmured as she left a ghost of her touch along the rim of the packaging, holding it up for the pair by the counter to see.

"Crimson and Clover by Joan Jett. It's a cover," Steve muttered after he leant forward, squinting his eyes as he read the song title. "Why?"

"Because I like the lyrics," Robin answered in a whisper, her eyes glancing between the two as her cheeks flushed red. Aven gasped with a grin.

"I knew it!" She shouted repeatedly as she bounded towards the girl, Steve standing stunned by the bench as she pulled his coworker into a loving hug.

"Knew what? What's going on?" He asked with confusion as he took a step forward. Aven pulled away with a grin, kissing the other smiling girl on the cheek. They laughed at his naivety, sharing a knowing glance between one another as the boy stood with his arms strewn out to convey his confusion.

"Steve," Robin spoke softly, stepping closer to the distraught boy. He desperately wanted to know what they knew.

"Have you listened to the song?" Aven asked with a hand to her chin, tilting her head with a small smile. 

"Of course not, I don't listen to Joan Jett," he exasperated, his hair shaking with every word he spoke. The girl's let out another set of laughs whilst Aven approached him, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder.

"Do you remember Tammy Thompson?" Robin started with a raised brow, trying to peer into his head to tell him without actually saying it. He nodded hesitantly, glancing down at Aven before looking back up at Robin. Somehow, she'd gotten into his head.

"You like Tammy Thompson?" Steve stated incredulously, his non-bruised eye widening with surprise. "She's a total dud."

Robin, who had previously shrank back in her stance, let out a deep scoff. "She is not."

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐓𝐖𝐈𝐍; steve harringtonWhere stories live. Discover now