Hiro's heart felt like it was about to pound of his chest. It was the time for the vows and he had already forgotten what he was going to say.

Katie walked down the aisle and his heart felt like a bursting firework. All the drunk and sloppy hookups, all the nights wasting away like a slob in his apartment, and all the days he was losing faith were all worth it because there was her.

He saw her, with the hunger and passion in her eyes, her entire aura eating up everywhere she walked, and knew that he had to have her.

She was it.

No one else.

No one could ever be for him.

The bridal kimono fit her so perfectly and Hiro swore he was gonna fall to his knees at any moment. The air was getting hot and sweat began to form on his forehead. Nervous was one way to put it. He can only hope that he'll never lose a woman like her and he'd be damned if he didn't treat her like a queen every single day.

The day couldn't be any more perfect. Katie had told him over the phone, so that he wouldn't see her attire, that her sister was alive and was safe with her twin brother. She'd exchanged some tearful words with her sister that she thought was long gone. Her elder sister, Daniela, had wished her all the best for her wedding and this further cemented how this day was for them.

Everything became a complete blur, he couldn't hear anything else but his own heartbeat. He hadn't realised he had been so consumed with his own excitement to marry Katie that he didn't realise she was right in front of him already.

"Hey," Katie cooed, pulling him back into reality. He laughed realising he was spacing out and replied, "Hey Anata."

Before they two knew it, words were exchanged and they were married. Married amongst good friends, Hiro's father, and family. In summary, they were each other's family.

Hiro's forehead touched Katie's as he pulled her closer and placed her wedding ring on her finger.

She did the same.

He kissed her on the forehead and whispered against her skin, "Anata, you're the only one for me. My everything is yours. For as long as you'll have me."

Katie let go of his hand and cupped his face, gently guiding him to look at her as she said, "I'm forever yours Hiro, I'll share every burden with you and I will see us through this shit show."

She pulled him into a passionate kiss and everyone clapped at the scene of the happy couple. Everyone was filled with the high of witnessing a beautiful marriage until a sharp sound filled the air. The claps, the shouts of joy and everything happy died.

Another sharp sound filled the air and now, they all recognised exactly what it was. Katie looked at Hiro with fear in her eyes but he hugged her close to his chest and said, "Nothing's happening to you." He looked at his father and his father gave him a nod then yelled, "EVERYONE TAKE COVER!"

Almost instantly, everyone ducked into chairs as Hiro's father handed him a hand pistol. The walls caved as a loud bang filled the room. Particles of cement and wood burst inwards filling the room with suffocating dust.

Katie opened her eyes and saw Hiro, his eyes scanning the room like a hawk. A large, crooked, hole had consumed the left wall of the room and there stood three men and two women, all heavily armed and protected with vests.

This wasn't the way she wanted to die and Hiro could feel her fear. He looked at her, tears forming in his eyes, as he said, "Go, I'll hold them off for you."

"No Hiro, don't you dare, I just married you-."

"Anata, it is a true honour being your husband even if it's just for measly minutes," Hiro said, stroking her beautiful yet sad face as he choked back his tears. He signalled the others to take Katie away despite her protests. He looked at his wife one last time then forced himself to look away as they all ran through dust to get through to the back door of the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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