"Katie, you look so beautiful,"
Diana said to the glowing bride who clearly rocked the bridal kimono she was wearing.

Katie had always known that if she ever got married she would never have worn a white dress but she didn't realise how emotional she would get wearing Hiro's mother's bridal kimono. His mother had worn an bright red iro-uchikake, a coloured bridal kimono, to her wedding and Katie was wearing the exact same one. But as an ode to her roots, she wore her hair the same way her mother wore her hair during her wedding.

She'd only seen it in photos but Katie knew exactly what it was. A simple side-swept bun and she wished she had those hair pieces her mother wore but she was a long way from home so she just accepted that it was going to be incomplete. Diana sidled up to her and nudged her shoulder then said, "You seem deep in thought, and don't you dare cry because waterproof mascara is a scam."

"I don't know, I'm just very overwhelmed, it's such a big step and I've only know the man for not even a month," Katie said again because she's played this idea over and over again since it became really official that they're going to get married. It isn't easy to make a commitment even when you know you're sure and that's exactly how Katie feels.

Diana was hesitant at first to tell her about her own experiences but she knew Katie would need to hear it. The last Fierro didn't want Katie to make the same mistakes she did...wasting time, living through the push and pull, and just burying feelings deep inside despite the knowledge that keeping them hidden wouldn't make them go away. She gave out a deep sigh and subconsciously ran her fingers down her dress as she garnered the courage to look at Katie straight in the eye and say, "I wasted too much time and I know we're all still on the young side of things but I only decided to open my eyes when things went to shit. I don't know how much time we have left and if anything, we're all breathing with a gun to our heads so take whatever silver lining you can get."

"Katie, he's your silver lining and so are you to him," Diana pointed out but really she was also referring to her own relationship, "Don't spend too much time thinking about what if and letting circumstances keep you apart. If I had the chance to undo all my quiet hurting, I would do it in a heartbeat if that means I get to have more time with the man I love."

"Diana what are you saying-."

"I'm saying that time is precious and that rushing things isn't really a concept for us anymore because our lives are on the line. If you know he's for you then never let him go and take every moment you can get while the opportunity is still there, okay?," Diana aired out her regrets by giving advise to Katie who just stared at her, wide-eyed as ever so the last Fierro couldn't help but note that there's a reason why the Aguillard twins were models.

Katie looked like a human doll even when she was troubled. Diana took the princess's hand in hers then said, "You're very lucky to have someone who understands you and doesn't need to go above and beyond to be in your shoes. He's for you Katie, even if you decided to marry him when you first laid your eyes on him or you decide to marry him 10 years from now. It doesn't change the fact that he's tailor made for you."

Katie smiled and looked in the mirror this time. She smiled again to see her own reflection and knew this time that she was ready to marry Hiro.

He was hers and she was his.


Nico had been busy with paperwork. He'd already said a thousand apologies to his sister over the phone for not being able to virtually attend her wedding because of the mountain of paperwork he had to do. He was beginning to appreciate what his parents do because the amount of law jargon he had to read for over three hours now was too much to count.

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