Saved by Severus

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Saved by Severus

Chapter 1


I lay on the ground, curled up into a ball, my ribs broken and my head bleeding. It was snowing outside but I was out on the streets of London with only a baggy T-shirt. And I mean ONLY a baggy T-shirt, no shoes, no socks, no nothing. I was in so much pain though, I could barely feel the cold. Many people walked by me, and most of them didn't see me, or pretended they hadn't. Those who did acknowledge me just gave me a pitiful look and walked away.

   I moaned in agony and held my head in my hands, my knees pulled up to my chest and my breath coming out ragged. My-so-called-father had done this to me. I hated him in a way that wasn't possible. He had adopted me when I was three and had mad sure that my life was miserable since. He beat me and raped me to the point where I had no trust in people. I believed that all of human kind was horrible and did not know about the existence of love.

   I learned to only speak when spoken to, and to tell people what they wanted to hear, but it didn't help. As I got older the beatings increased, and so did the... other things. Every once in a while once he was done torturing me he would through me into the streets, screaming in his drunken rage about how useless I was. About how I couldn't do anything right and that's why my real parents abandoned me. That was one of those nights. I wanted so much to die, so that the pain would go away, but I'd survived the cold before, and I had an awful suspicion that I would survive it again.

  A man walked out of the building I was laying against, and accidently kicked me, I felt the sharp pain in my leg that was probably fractured, and I wanted to cry out again, but bit it back because I thought the man would probably kick me again if I cried. That's what I'd grown up believing. If you show weakness you need to be punished. If you are defiant you need to be punished. If you do not show submission you need to be punished. If you don't do everything, and anything I say, you need to be punished. The man however did not even notice that he'd kicked me and walked away without a word.

   It started to snow harder and I figured I'd better find myself some shelter. I tried to stand up but immediately collapsed in agony because of the searing pain I felt in my leg. I tried to get up again, but it had the same result. I looked around, and noticed the only suitable shelter was a building with a canopy out front, and it was across the road from me. I shivered, just noticing how could it really was, and the snow kept falling so that if I was standing up it'd be up to my calves. I decided that there was only one choice. If I stayed in the cold I'd die, and I couldn't walk, so I'd have to drag myself across the street.

I started half crawling, half dragging myself weakly across the paved road but the snow was so cold, and so deep that I couldn't make it. I collapsed right in the middle, feeling pathetic. If my father had seen my then he probably would have killed me just because I'd failed, and honestly I'd probably have killed myself to if I'd known how.

   My name is Cynthia Snape. I was adopted three years ago and this little excerpt from my memory is from just before that. The father I talked about here is a man by the name of Micheal Hallock. I was only seven when I collapsed in the middle of that street, and I probably would've died if I hadn't been Saved by Severus.

AUthor's note: What does everybody think? Please comment and stuff. and vote. that would be nice.

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