Saved by Severus ~ Chapter 9

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  Saved By Severus

Author's note- Hello their. This is Fleurypower's friend. Fleurypower was very sad that we didn't get enough votes or comments, but she decided that she was aiming a little high considering her long break. She is back though, and she's going to post again. This times she respectfully requests 15 votes, and 10 comments. Please please please vomment and fan!

Chapter 9

Snape's POV

I was surpsisingly nervous as Cynthia looked into the animal crate I got her, but I couldn't let my emotions control me. After all, we were sitll out in public, and I couldn't shuffle around or drop my mask.

   When I'd gone to the pet store, I'd fully expected to come out with an owl, but the damn salesgirl wouldn't let me go until I'd bought a companioin for Cynthia, and not a mail-carrier. In hindsite, I guess a seven-year-old girl, who doesn't know anybody except me, Dumbledore, Molly, and her abusive step-father, doesn't really need to send letters to anybody.

   The pet I ended up getting her si called a Caton. In 1867 some wize wizard decided to conjure cat DNA inside of a dragon egg to see what came out. The end result was a black cat with leathery wings, that could breath fire, and fly. I was completely against the idea of having such a destructive creature in my rooms, but the persistant nagging of the shop keeper was enough to get me to by the ppet. That and the fact that her eyes were exactly the same as Cynthia's.

   "OHMYGOODNESS!" squealed Cynthia, both jerking me out of my thoughts, and deafening me at the same time, "it's adorable! Ohmygod look at its eyes!  They're just like mine! Can she fly? What exactly is she? Is she really mine? What's her name-"

"Enough!" I interrupted, "She is a caton, half cat and half dragon, and yes she can fly. I don't know her name , because that's up to you, and yes she is yours."

"Cynthia was quiet, and I didn't know if I had frightened her or not, but  I didn't bother to check. It was getting late, and I didn't want to be caught outside in the dark with a little girl.

"Come Cynthia. We must be getting back to Hogwarts."

"Coming Severus."


"Yes Sev-vy"

I seethed, "Please refrain from calling me 'sev-vy, and I must insist that in public you must call me Professor, or sir."

"Yes Sir." she scowled, and I turned on my heal and stalked off towards the leaky cauldron. It wasn't Cynthia's fault that I was mad, it was just that her mother had always calle me that, and it had been the subject ofmany debates between us. I guess it still struck a nerve, but instead of being angry, I now wished that I could hear her teasing me one more time.

  Cynthia didn't seem to notice my sadness, but I guess she was just used to me being grouchy.

"I know what I'll name her!" she squealed, and I sighed exasperatedly.

"What Cynthia."

"Jellybean!" she cheered, "Jellybean Snape."

"I'm regretting getting you her already." I sneered, earning myself another glare.

"That was a bit better, but you still look like you're puting. You have to work on channeling more of a I'm-about-to-rip-your-head-off glare, not a puppydog glare."

 I recieved another scowl, and an eye roll, before Cynthia stomped off into the pub. I snickered to myself, and followed, making my black robes flow out behind me as I swooped in through the door way.

"Why do you always do that!" she hissed at me.

"Because," I replied snidely, "it convinces those of a lower intelligence that I am a vampire, and helps strengthin the feelings of dislike they hold for me."

"but WHY!" she whined, "WHY do you have to be so mean!!!"

I took a deep breath, "This is a conversation better held in private quarters, and one I will not be hindered into having. Now follow me."

Cynthia pouted, but trailed behind me. I steeped into the fireplace, and motioned CYnthia to come in after me. She trudged in holding her new pet, but refused to let me steady her, and instead sulked some more and looked at her feet.

"Hogwarts, Snape's quarters."  I said clearly, and I soon felt myself being pulled away from the pub, and dropped into the fireplace in my rooms.

CYnthia fell down, and I chuckled again.

"Next time you;d be best to let me hold your arm. At least until you get used to magical travel."

"Why'd you get mad at me," she demanded, and I sighed exasperatdely again.

"I was not mad at you Cynthia, I simp[ly have a reputation that cannot be betrayed in public, and the answer of your question is one I don not wish for people to hear."

"I don't understand." she complained.

"Well, about 25 years ago, I was working for a man named Voldemort," I explained, twitching slightly at the sound of his name, "but most people call him the dark lord, or you-know-who."

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"Well, he was a darl lord. He was trying to take over the world, and kill all muggles, and muggleborns. He killed many people, and tortured many more, but I was still blinded by my hate for my father, and didn't understand that not all muggles were bad. Eventually I turned spy for the good side, but not before he killed the women I loved and her husband. There son, Harry Potter, survived though, and people call him the-boy-who-lived."

"Wait..." she asked, "You worked for a dark lord."

"Yes," I sighed, "And if you find me frightening or sick now, I won't blame you, in fact, I wouldn't blame you if you didn't even want to live with me even more, but I hope I haven't changed your opinion of me."

"Look," she said, "I don't care who you worked for... now you're a spy! You can wear blank ski-masks, and shoot lazers at people, and play cool music while you go on missions! OOH! Maybe JellyBean could come with you! She could like fly you out of danger, and you guys cou ride off into the sunset!"

I chuckled and left her to play with Jellybean.

"I'll be right back," I said, "I need to go talk to the headmaster."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Author's note #2

I really need to stop yamering, but I guess this will do, VOMMENT!

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